
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Additional Book Bash Questions!

I know, you already thought there were plenty of questions. :) But here are a few more you can add, suggested by Mel from But when a young lady is to be a heroine. A very fun blog, by the way. :) {{Click on the button below to check it out!}}

30. What are your favorite quotes from books?

31. What book would you most like to see made into a movie?

32. What book character do you identify the most with?

Have fun, and good luck with answering all these questions! I'm finding it hard myself. :)


  1. Adding the questions to my post!

  2. I've added these questions to the other ones. Looks like they'll be fun to answer (and hard, lol).

    I just wanted to let you know that I've just award you and your lovely blog the Liebster Blog Award. Check out my blog for details!

  3. So glad you'll be doing it, Katy! :) Hope you have fun...and good luck with those questions! I've been finding them hard myself.

    Thanks so much for award! I'm honored that you enjoy my blog that much. :)

  4. Lovely additions to the tag! I love visiting Mel's blog, she's such a great literary nut! :)

    ~Miss Laurie

  5. Hi! I found this through the Enchanted Serenity of Period Films, and though I'd fill out my own.


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