
Saturday, February 26, 2011

CD: Fellowship of the Ring

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9.5
Singer: Enya sings some.
Type of music: Soundtrack
Composer: Howard Shore
From the movie: Fellowship of the Ring from the Lord of the Rings trilogy by Tolkien
List of songs:
  • The Prophecy
  • Concerning Hobbits
  • The Shadow of the Past
  • The Treason of Isengard
  • The Black Rider
  • At the Sign of the Prancing Pony
  • A Knife in the Dark
  • Flight to the Ford
  • Many Meetings
  • The Council of Elrond (featuring the theme for Aragorn and Arwen), composed and permformed by Enya
  • The Ring Goes South
  • A Journey in the Dark
  • The Bridge of Khazad Dum
  • Lothlorien
  • The Great River
  • Amon Hen
  • The Breaking of the Fellowship
  • May It Be, composed and performed by Enya
My overall opinion: I love this CD! Just got it within the past week. Highly recommended.


  1. Only 9.5???? How is it so???? I'm kidding. Thats probably what I would rate it also. It is a great CD.
    Josh Martin

  2. Love the Lord of the Rings movie music. And I think Enya's song "May It Be" is the icing on the cake. What an exquisite melody! And with Enya's extraordinarily beautiful singing voice, it's an utterly magical experience.


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