Genre: Historical fiction
Series: The A.D. Chronicles
Number in series: 9th
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8
Type: Historical fiction
Time period: Bible times
Main characters: Yeshua, Mary, Yosef
Exciting events: Disappearance!
My overall opinion: I'm ashamed to admit that I read this book quite some time ago and somehow missed reviewing it! Whoops. So sorry. Anyway, this one is about the story of Jesus as a 13 year old who disappeared from his parents and was found at the rabbi's feet, speaking of the Scriptures! The Thoenes did make up a lot, as usual. And I should warn you: it's a good book, great story, but there are a TON of study pages, as in, almost 1/2 the book, which is very annoying. So.
This is really random, but how did you go about making your blog button?
ReplyDeleteI didn't. I asked Johanna at "An Old Fashioned Girl" to make it for me. Didn't she do a great job? If you're wanting one, I recommend you ask her! This is her blog:
ReplyDeletePlease say I sent you if you do. :)
Did you make the design, though?
ReplyDeleteJohanna sent me three pictures (all Lizzy Bennet) from which I chose the one I liked best. Then I emailed the one I liked back to her, and she put on the words and sent the finished button to me, making sure I liked it. Then I put it on here. Make sense? Does that answer your question? Let me know. :)
ReplyDeleteI was just wondering because I have a little picture I'd like to use. :) When she finished it, how did you get the little HTML box?
ReplyDeleteI'm ashamed to admit that though it happened quite recently, I can't remember. I believe that she sent me the whole HTML or URL code, and I put it into the HTML/Java Script thingy under Design and it showed up right! She might remember. Let me know when you get a button so I can put it up!