
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Song: Amazing Grace

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5
Singer: Hayley Westenra
Type of music: Opera? Classical?
Length: 3:40
Lyrics: Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, // That saved a wretch, like me! // I once was lost, but now am found // Was blind but now I see.
My overall opinion: HW's rendition of this is stunning and so beautiful! One of my favorite versions of Amazing Grace. Worth buying!


  1. I love Hayley's voice! I love the song and she does do a wonderful job! :)

    ~Miss Laurie
    Old-Fashioned Charm

  2. I know a song/singer is good when I get goosebumps from the first notes...Hayley's singing is beyond beautiful.


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