
Saturday, March 19, 2011

To Know Her by Name

Author: Lori Wick
Genre: Romance
Series: Rocky Mountain Memories series
Number in series: 3rd
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9.5
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 588 (but it was large-print)
Time period: 1800's
Main characters: McKay, Pup/Callie
Exciting events: Capture, escape, intrigue...
Passage from book: Feeling she had nothing to lose, Pup boldly took the wig that still hung from Duncan's fingers and put it back on her head. Again the banker was impressed but tried not to show it. A moment later, she was taken away, each of the men at the door holding one of her arms. Escape was impossible. Nelson led them upstairs. He did nothing to disguise his loathing as he opened a bedroom door and watched her walk in. He slammed it a little too loudly, and Pup listened to the turn of th key. This was no time to lose her head, but her knees suddenly turned to water. She sank down on the nearest chair, her mind racing with what she should do next.
My overall opinion: That's part of the capture. I'm absolutely adoring this series and recommend it to anyone over 14! :)

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