Genre: Romance, life
Series: The Appomattox Saga
Number in series: 9th
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 7.5
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 291
Time period: Civil War, 1800's
Main characters: Leah, David
Exciting events: Definitely. :)
Passage from book: "Load! Load!" Ballard cried, but it was too late. All along the line, the Confederates who had fired the only shot they would get off were facing the steel. Suddenly one man threw his gun down and turned, running as fast as he could. It was a signal for the others, and David, without thought, whirled and ran blindly. He didn't do so conciously, nor perhaps did the others, but they ran. They left the field to the Yankees. It was a blind insanity, and David never remembered running. He heard the screams behind him, and as he fell and scrambled along with the others, he felt no shame, only a determination to get away from what was happening...
My overall opinion: A good one. :)
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