
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Movie: Eloise at the Plasa

My rating on a 1-10 scale:  8
Main characters: Eloise, Nanny, varioius others
Genre: Children's :)
Primary actors: Julie Andrews
Length: One and 1/2 hours
Based on: The Eloise books by Kay Thompson
Time period: Present
Exciting events: Many adventures. :)
Quote(s): "Think pink. A better way of life." "Eloise...being bored is not allowed." "I always say what's in my head. It makes everything so much easier."
Year it came out: 2003
My overall opinion: A fun kid's movie! It was quite hilarious in parts.


  1. My family and I adore the Eloise movies! If you liked this one check out Eloise At Christmas time that has the same actors and it's a must see for my family and I every Christmas or preferably every December 23 "Christmas Eve Eve!" Eloise is so sweet and funny and Julie Andrews is so great as Nanny! :)

    ~Miss Laurie
    Old-Fashioned Charm

  2. Miss Laurie, thanks for the comments! :) I think we watched this because I saw you review Eloise at Christmas on your blog. So Mom checked on Netflix and found this one. I know our whole family enjoyed this and laughted out loud! :) Thanks for the recommendation!

  3. Awesome movie! Wait a sec...JULIE ANDRES is the Nanny!?! :O I never knew that! :O


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