
Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I don't know about you, obviously, but I like statistics. I like knowing how many. :) (However, I dislike math...) Anyway, back to the subject, here are my current stats. This does include the ones waiting for publication in my drafts folder.

Books: 143
Movies: 26
Songs: 13
CDs: 8
Posting landmark: 6
(note: I actually just put those down as they came to mind, then looked up numbers...didn't know they end up in order!)

Adventure: 44
Mystery: 26
Romance: 42
Classic: 12
Missions: 2
Cooking: 2
Comedy: 6
Amish: 1
Childhood: 4
Fantasy: 22
Family: 4
Growing up: 5
Holocaust: 4
Life: 34
War: 5
Western: 18

Fiction: 89
Non-fiction: 18
Biography: 3
Children's book: 7
Historical fiction: 12
Story with a moral: 4

Animated: 1
Documentary: 1

Bible times: 4
1200's: 4
1500's: 1
1600's: 1
1700's: 7
1800's: 48 (anyone wanna guess what my favorite time period is?)
Early 1900's: 8
1900's: 3
1930's: 4
1940's: 13
1950's: 1
1960's: 1
Present: 34

Revolutionary War: 2
Civil War: 11
WW I: 2
WW II: 5

*ahem* Yes, maybe I got a bit carried away. ;) But hey, I had fun. And now the stats will be preserved in history...scary. Oh well. :)

1 comment:

  1. stop it before you have me doing this also. lol. here is my new url:


Hi! I'm delighted you're leaving a comment! Thank you so much - comments make my day. Just make sure that yours is polite, free of bad language, and that it honors God. :) I will probably not reply to your comment, much as I would love to - my life is simply for too busy. Sorry! But again, thanks for commenting.