
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Valley of the Shadow

Author: Stephanie Grace Whitson
Genre: Romance, life
Series: Dakota Moons series
Number in series: 1st
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 291
Time period: 1800's
Main characters: Genevieve, Daniel, Simon
Exciting events: Wow, yes, this definitely has exciting events. Read the book. :)
Passage from book: He needed a horse. His two friends needed horses. And they would have them before the sun rose. Crouching behind a patch of tall grass, Red Thunder peered through the darkness at the homesteader's cabin. The trader's whiskey he had drunk last night was bad, and things were not quite in focus, but even with the firewater eating at his belly, Red Thunder knew he was worth ten settlers. He scurried across the open ground towards the barn. Once there, he raised his hand to his mouth and hooted towards where his friends Two Stars and Otter waited a few rods away behind a massive tree.
My overall opinion: See, I told you it was exciting! And what's more, it ends exciting too. Leaves you hanging. :P Definitely totally recommended.

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