
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Cleopatra: A Life

Author: Stacy Schiff
Genre: Biography
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8
Type: Biography
Number of pages: 361
Time period: Bible times (slightly before Christ...had you realized that?)
Main characters: Cleopatra, Antony, Caesar
Exciting events: Cleopatra's life is indeed exciting!
My overall opinion: It was good and I learned a lot about Cleopatra. I recommend this book to anyone with even a faint interest in her! While you may not read it word for word, I'm sure it will be enjoyable. :)


  1. I had a big thing for Cleopatra when I was little, so I may have to look this up! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Elizabeth, I'm so glad that you're going to check into this! I'm delighted that you're reading something because I recommended it here. :) Thanks for the comment!


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