
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Livvie's Song

Author: Sharlene MacLaren
Genre: Romance, life
Series: River of Hope series
Number in series: 1st
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9.5
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 375
Time period: 1920's
Main characters: Livvie, Will
Exciting events: Many!
My overall opinion: Firstly, I was sent this advance copy of Livvie's Song for free. The publisher does not require me to review it postiviely, or even review it! But since I review most of the books I read, this one was definitely on the list, especially since I absolutely loved it! It was a really fun and special story. Also sweet, gently romantic, and very stirring. I'm hoping to be able to interview Sharlene MacLaren soon, here on Austenitis.

(Please click here to go to a special book blurb about Livvie's Song on Austenitis!)

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