
Monday, May 9, 2011

Love's Rescue

Author: Tammy Barley
Genre: Romance, adventure
Series: The Sierra Chronicles
Number in series: 1st
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 366
Time period: 1800's, Civil War
Main characters: Jess, Jake
Exciting events: It's absolutely full of them. :)
My overall opinion: I received this book from a publisher who realized that a while back I had won the third book in the series, but hadn't read the first two. She kindly sent me this one and Hope's Rescue, the second  book. Review of that one coming soon. :) Anyway, I really enjoyed this one a lot! I am so glad I got to read the beginning of the series. I highly recommend it!

1 comment:

  1. That was very nice of the author.
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