
Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Skin Map

Author: Stephen R. Lawhead
Genre: Science fiction
Series: Bright Empires series
Number in series: 1st (AH! the next one won't come until September, I believe!)
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 403
Time period: Present, science fiction
Main characters: Kit, Wilhelmina, Cosimo, others
Exciting events: Time and place travel
Passage from book: Had he but known that before the day was over he would discover the hidden dimensions of the universe, Kit might have been better prepared. At least, he would have brought an umbrella. Like most Londoners, Kit was  martyr to the daily travails of navigating a city whose complexities were legendary...
My overall opinion: I enjoyed it! An interesting and exciting story. (but isn't the title gross?)

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