
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Check Out My Guest Post!

I just published my first guest post! Jemimah, at Beautiful Blank Pages, kindly allowed me to post there. :) So click here to read my post!!! I'll give you a's a new kind of spotlight post. :) A kind that I intend to do only on guest posts. And yes, there are more posts coming there, both by me, and, no doubt, Jemimah. :)

I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy there. :) Thanks so much, Jemimah, for hosting me!


Hi! I'm delighted you're leaving a comment! Thank you so much - comments make my day. Just make sure that yours is polite, free of bad language, and that it honors God. :) I will probably not reply to your comment, much as I would love to - my life is simply for too busy. Sorry! But again, thanks for commenting.