
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

75 Followers! And Another Event?

Thank you so much to each of my 75 followers! I am honored that you enjoy this blog enough to follow it. Each of you is special to me, and your comments always make my day!

Now I know some of you just clicked on this post because of the mention of an event. I believe I mentioned in passing a while ago that I was considering doing an "Event of Musicals." That's what it is called until I think of a better title...if I do. Anyway. It would be similar to my Book Bash, but probably shorter in most respects. My question: would you participate? Probably all there would be to do would be a shorter tag. And, of course, comment on my posts. Thoughts, anyone? Tag question suggestions? I'm open to it all!

But before you get too excited, I should mention this is in the formative stage...and may not ever happen. We'll see what response I get.

I'm putting up a poll on the left for you to leave your answer about participating! But please do comment too, and tell me your thoughts!


  1. Hmm...musicals aren't really my cup of tea. I've only seen a handful (The Sound of Music, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Mary Poppins[I think that was one]) and I only like a couple. haha

  2. Congrats on 75 followers! I'm a new GFC follower of your fabulous blog and I look forward to reading more from you =)

  3. Congratulations on 75 followers!

    I do like the older musicals. I would participate in it like in the Book Bash. An idea for you could be to post videos from musicals during the event: especially with the older musicals, the dance scenes are really amazing! Since I mentioned Dance Scenes, a question could be "What is your favorite dance scene in a musical?"

    I look forward to any announcements! :-)

  4. A musical event would be great! :)

  5. A Musicals event sounds lovely! I like a good musical and would enjoy participating in celebrating some of our favorite musicals!

    You probably already have some of these questions in mind but here are a few I thought of off the top of my head:
    What are your top three favorite musicals? From your top three what are your favorite songs? From your top three who are your favorite characters?

    Hope you do have a musicals event! :)

  6. Thanks for the input, everyone!

    Miss Elizabeth, putting in videos is an excellent idea! Yes, I love the dance scenes, especially in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Also thanks for the question suggestion!

    Thanks so much for the ideas, Miss Laurie! I had not thought of all of those.

  7. I absolutely *adore* musicals...I would love to participate in this event!!!

    Some other questions I thought of were favorite categories of songs...what are your favorite male solos/female solos/ songs, ensemble songs, or whatever. Since we all love costumes, another idea would be what are your favorite costumes in musicals (since they are usually a great source for gorgeous costumes) and for the musicals that have several different versions...which actor or actress portrays your favorite character best, and if you have a favorite musical song, what's your favorite version of the song?

    Just some ideas, I hope they help.


Hi! I'm delighted you're leaving a comment! Thank you so much - comments make my day. Just make sure that yours is polite, free of bad language, and that it honors God. :) I will probably not reply to your comment, much as I would love to - my life is simply for too busy. Sorry! But again, thanks for commenting.