
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blogging Break

Yes, you read right, my followers. I am taking a six week blogging vacation. Some unexpected events occurred, prompting this.

It is a complete blogging break -- meaning I won't be reading your blogs, or blogging on any of my own. It's already begun, which explains the lack of posts this week. Sorry for not telling y'all sooner!

I'm going to miss posting reviews, and have a list going of the books and movies I need to review when I return. I will review the best books I've read and best movies I've seen during this break.  Hopefully, we can also do the Week of Musicals then.

I will miss reading your blogs! I will not be publishing comments, but if you comment, I'll still receive it, and you can know I've read it. :)

I'll return in late October...or maybe early November, since our family vacation is in late October. Until then...well, I'll miss you tons! To each follower who stays faithful...thanks! And I'll see you then!

P.S. Need something to read? The archives are packed with almost 500 posts...I think this is the 495th or so. :) So, go find a review of something you haven't read! Or, check out the Favorite Books or Favorite Movies pages! :)


  1. AHHH! Really? Seriously? Aww. We sure will miss you in the blogosphere, Charity! :( *sniff*! But that's a good idea, reading through your archives. I'm a new follower so I haven't seen most of them anyway! :D

    Til we meet again... :(

  2. Hope you have a good break and family vacation! I look forward to reading your reviews when you come back! :)

    ~Miss Laurie

  3. Thanks for all the reviews. Have a good vacation!

  4. I'm going to miss seeing your comments in the blogging world a bunch, girly! I hope you have a good break, though.

    Hurry back!!! ;-)

    Btw, I hope you're checking your email...there's a surprise waiting for ya! ;-)

  5. Hello Charity!
    I just wanted to say that i have really enjoyed your blog!! i found it when you commented on Bethany Beasley's blog.
    I am sooo enjoying it!! I am a homeschooled kid as well, and am a mossionary's daughter in Mozambique, Africa. I didn't know there were so many Austen blogs out there. Thanks alot.

  6. I am following your blog.

  7. Hey girl! Still missing seeing your posts in the blogging world. Can't wait for you to come back!!

    And when you do, check out my post today (link below). You won two blog awards on my blog. Congrats!! Read the post for details on how to accept the award. :-)

  8. Thanks, Julia! Hope the archives kept you busy. :)

    Miss Laurie, I'm back! Won't be blogging as much as before, but expect posts!

    Rose, glad you enjoy them. :)

    Katie, oooo, and it was a nice surprise too! :) Thanks again for it. I have missed reading your posts...and commenting.

    Julia Rogers, good to meet you! Yes, there are many Austen blogs...some much better than this one. :)

    Glad you follow, Ella!

    Katie, thanks for the award! I don't yet know if I'm going to have time to accept, but maybe. :)


Hi! I'm delighted you're leaving a comment! Thank you so much - comments make my day. Just make sure that yours is polite, free of bad language, and that it honors God. :) I will probably not reply to your comment, much as I would love to - my life is simply for too busy. Sorry! But again, thanks for commenting.