
Friday, September 9, 2011

Song: Home

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5
Singer: Michael Buble (today's his birthday, check out The Birthday Blog post here)
Length: Around 3 minutes
Lyrics: Another summer day // Has come and gone away // In Paris and Rome // But I wanna go home. // May be surrounded by // A million people I // Still feel all alone // Just wanna go home // Oh I miss you, you know.
My overall opinion: It's almost a bit sad...lonesome. But I still enjoy it!


  1. I LOVE Michael Buble! Home is one of my favorites by him. It can be a bit melancholic air to it but I still love it. Whenever I'm away from home and get tired this song becomes my theme song "let me go home, I just want to go home". :)

  2. I know, for once, I like a sad song! Well, not SAD sad, but not cheerful either. :)


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