
Saturday, November 26, 2011

List of Books Read (But Not Reviewed)

Whether or not you’re curious about this, I don’t know. J But I’m posting a list of all the books I read, but am not planning to review. These are from my six week blogging break, and also from the past few weeks, when I’ve been geting back into blogging. If you read the entire list – congratulations! My comments follow the author’s name, and my favorites are in orange.
·         A Mad Desire to Dance, Elie Wiesel (very strange)
·         Death Comes as the End, Agatha Christie (set in Egypt!)
·         His Perfect Faithfulness, Ludy’s (very good – highly recommended for teen girls)
·         The Boomerang Clue, Agatha Christie (fun one)
·         The Lady Queen: The Notorious Reign of Queen Joanna, Nancy Goldstone (slightly boring)
·         The Moving Finger, Agatha Christie
·         The Secret Adversary, Agatha Christie
·         The Warrior Queens, Antonia Fraser (not as good as The Wives of King Henry VIII)
·         Theodore Boone: the Abduction, John Grisham (fun, for kids)
·         The Gentlewoman’s Choice, George MacDonald (close to being a classic)
·         The Mountain Valley War, Louis L’Amour
·         Day No Pigs Would Die, ???????????? (can’t remember the authors name…)
·         Cat Among the Pigeons, Agatha Christie
·         The Black Tulip, Alexander Dumas (didn’t finish it…lost the book. Will finish someday, as it had a good beginning)
·         The Christmas Thief, Mary Higgins Clark (okay, some swearing)
·         The Christmas List, Richard Evans (very good – enjoyed it a lot)
·         Creative Techniques for Photographing Children, Vi Orenstein (outdated)
·         Donuts, Elin Klivans (cookbook! Full of pictures)
·         National Audubon Society Guide to Photographing Nature, T Fitzharris (outdated)
·         The Digital Photography Book 2, Scott Kelby (awesome.)
·         Get Happy: the Life of Judy Garland, Gerald Clarke (well written, very interesting, some inappropriate details :P)
·         Get the Most from Your Digital Camera, Joinson, Simon (not too bad)
·         The Gingerbread Book, ___Bragdon (can’t remember the first name…it’s a cookbook)
·         A Love that Multiplies, Michelle Duggar (interesting! 19 children…wow)
·         Palace of Mirrors, Margaret Haddix (classic fairy tale material with some fun twists – written in first person – for tweens)
·         The Jacket, Andrew Clements (short and to the point. Clements has written better ones)
And more…but some have reviews coming (not ones on this list) and others I fear I’ve completely forgotten about despite keeping track. J If you really want more information about any of the books on this list, please ask! J


  1. Have you read The Christmas Box by Richard Evens? I've read that and part of Timepiece. Also watched the movies. =) Is The Christmas List in the same series?

  2. Melody, nope, I haven't. I didn't get the impression that this book was part of a series. However, RE is on my list of authors to read more of! Haven't seen any movies either.

  3. Just wow! You read so much girl! :)
    Glad to see several Agatha Christie books in your list. Her books are pretty well classics now too.

    Isn't 'His Perfect Faithfulness' good! I own a copy and quite enjoy their sweet love story written by the Author of love. :)

    George MacDonald is one author I hope to read more of one day. I bet A Love that Multiplies was a sweet read!

    Keep on readings Charity! :)

  4. Oh, I didn't notice these authors before: Have you read A School Story by Andrew Clements, and Running Out of Time by Margaret Haddix? I really like those two books. =)


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