
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Giveaway Week: Julie Lessman!

During these past few weeks, I have been blessed with getting to know a wonderful Christian author named Julie Lessman. You probably saw my reviews not long ago of A Hope Undaunted and A Heart Revealed. So you know I enjoyed those books! And now, I'm delighted to bring you an interview with her!

First, a quick bio:

Julie Lessman is an award-winning author whose tagline of “Passion With a Purpose” underscores her intense passion for both God and romance. Winner of the 2009 ACFW Debut Author of the Year and Holt Medallion Awards of Merit for Best First Book and Long Inspirational, Julie is also the recipient of 13 Romance Writers of America awards and was voted by readers as “Borders Best of 2009 So Far: Your Favorite Fiction.” Chosen as #1 Romance Fiction Author of the Year in the Family Fiction magazine 2011 Readers Choice Awards, Julie was also awarded #1 Series of the Year in that same poll and #3 Author of the Year, #5 Novel of the Year and #4 Historical Fiction Author of the year. She resides in Missouri with her husband, daughter, son and daughter-in-law and is the author of “The Daughters of Boston” series, which includes A Passion Most Pure, A Passion Redeemed, and A Passion Denied. Her “Winds of Change” series has recently released with A Hope Undaunted, which ranked #5 on Booklist’s Top 10 Inspirational Fiction for 2010. You can contact Julie through her website at Charity talking here...Julie does have a more recent book, the one I've been talking about, A Heart Revealed.

Julie, I'm so glad to have you here today! As you know, I've greatly enjoyed your books. :) So what sparked your interest in romance, and how has that impacted your writing?

Four life-altering words: Gone With the Wind. You see, when I read that novel at the age of twelve, I was swept away into the world of romance for the very first time. It captured me like no other book had done, and I immediately set out to write (along with thousands of other love-struck young girls, I’m sure), what I hoped would be “the great American novel.” Obviously my dreams of grandeur didn’t go anywhere, but I did write 150 single-spaced pages of a story that became the basis (some forty years later!) for my debut novel, A Passion Most Pure.

Today, I like to think that not only are Margaret Mitchell’s fingerprints are all over me in my religious devotion to passion, but God’s as well—merging my passion for romance with my passion for Him.

Wow, 150 single-spaced pages is a lot of writing! I'm impressed. :) Now, you've joked about being the "Queen of Rejections." Can you tell us a little about that?

Uh, yeah … anyone who attended the 2005 ACFW Conference will remember me as the poor slob who waved her hands wildly in the back of the room when Brandilyn Collins asked who had the most rejections in a year. I won hands-down with 19 (at that time) and went on to garner in excess of 45 (both agent and publisher rejections, including three received AFTER I signed a 3-book contract with Revell Publishing!). Even my agent, Natasha Kern, blanched a bit when she first signed me, realizing after the ink was dry just how many times I’d been rejected. I believe the word she used was “daunting.” But apparently not too daunting for her amazing skills as an agent because she landed a contract for me within six months. Imagine my shock and awe when a few years later I stood on the same stage on which I’d received that booby prize for the most rejections, to receive ACFW’s Debut Book of the Year. Go ahead— pinch me! 

What a story! What would you like your readers to take away from your books?

The MOST important thing I pray readers take away from my books is the reality of how natural and fulfilling an intimate relationship with God can and SHOULD be. Like breathing. These books may be fiction, but this is NOT a fairy tale here. It IS possible to have a living, breathing relationship with the God of the Universe. He’s crazy about us, and if most people really understood that, their lives would turn on a dime and blessings would overtake them. Believe me, I KNOW this firsthand—I used to be a hard, cynical, coarse human being before God pulled me up by the scruff of the neck and said, “Yo, Julie! Get a clue. You’re the apple of my eye!” J He’s been the love of my life ever since.

Haha, I love how He "said" Yo! :) How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?

I RUNnot walk … to the throne of God! He is my high tower, my place of refuge in ANY storm, be it professional or personal. For me, He has never been a last resort, but a first resort when life’s hurried pace overwhelms me. A good example is a story on my Web site about when a doctor told us he thought our college-age son had cancer. Now I am a wired individual under the best of circumstances, so this had the potential to fell me like a tree. But I sprinted to God faster than Jackie Joyner Kersee going for the gold, and the prize was God’s peace. You can read the steps I took in maintaining my sanity at

We know your husband and children are the light of your life. Do they enjoy your stories?

Well, yes, most of them … You see, my husband Keith wouldn’t read A Passion Most Pure until he could hold a published book in his hand because he hated the gargantuan binders I’d use. But once he did, I was shocked at his response. He admitted he was nervous because what if he didn’t like it??? I still remember the first day I caught him reading it—it was so weird seeing this big, hulking guy holding a romance novel. But the moment he looked up, his eyes locked on mine and he mouthed the words, “It is soooo good!” Needless to say, my heart swooned! I mean, the man’s only read two or three books in 30 years, and my book actually kept him up till the wee hours of the morning AND made him cry! Now, I’m not saying the ability to make your husband cry is necessarily a good thing, but in this case, it was pretty special!

Now my daughter? Another story altogether! Although she was an A student in college, she despises reading, so I actually had to bribe her with $20 to read the first chapter of A Passion Most Pure. But I am happy to report that it hooked her, and the rest of the book and the other two didn’t cost me a dime! J  But … my son the financial advisor? He’ll probably read one of my books when I include baseball statistics or financial advice!

Oh, how sweet! I love those stories. :) Can you tell us a bit about your newest release, A Heart Revealed?

A Heart Revealed is book 2 in “The Winds of Change” series, and it’s the forbidden love story of the oldest O’Connor brother, Sean O’Connor, a confirmed bachelor, and his sister’s best friend, Emma Malloy, a battered married woman. Here’s my blurb:

The ring on her hand belongs to one man …
But her heart belongs to another.

As a battered woman, Emma Malloy fled Dublin for Boston ten years ago, seeking shelter for a heart badly bruised by both her husband and guilt. But when she falls in love with Sean O’Connor, a confirmed bachelor who wrestles with demons of his own, fear and shame almost destroy her … until she is finally set free by a heart revealed.

*sigh* I enjoyed that story. :) Readers, my review is already up! It also has a bit more about the book, so make sure you check it out! Julie, what makes Emma and Sean's romance unique?

Emma and Sean’s romance in A Heart Revealed is not my typical romance where boy meets girl and sparks fly. Instead, it is a ten-year friendship that grows spiritually and emotionally, ripening into unconditional love where two people sacrifice themselves for the other. In many ways, A Heart Revealed is a departure for me—a heroine who is scarred, both inside and out, and a forbidden love with minimal romantic interaction. You see, Emma Malloy is married, a battered woman who fled Dublin to seek shelter for a heart badly bruised by an abusive husband. But when she falls in love with Sean O’Connor, a confirmed bachelor with demons of his own, fear and shame wreaks havoc in her life until God finally sets her free with “a heart revealed.”

What are you hoping readers will take away from A Heart Revealed?

One of the basic themes of A Heart Revealed is “honesty is the best policy.” Every character in this story is struggling with some form of honesty with people they love, whether it’s guilt, delusion, deception, secrecy, manipulation or outright stubbornness. It is my hope that Sean and Emma’s story will not only “reveal” the grace and mercy of a loving God, but the healing power of His truth … which truly does set us free.

Please tell us about Emma, the gentle and scarred heroine of A Heart Revealed. How is it that you wrote a whole story about her?

Believe it or not, I never planned to write Sean and Emma’s story until three-quarters of the way through A Passion Redeemed, when Charity brought Emma home for dinner. The moment I wrote the following very innocent lines in that book, I felt a spark of something that I KNEW would grow into an amazing love story someday.

Marcy smiled and passed the rolls. “Sean, Charity brought her good friend home to stay. Emma, this is Sean, my oldest.”
Sean stood and extended his hand across the table, his smile as broad as his reach. “Welcome. Anyone who can put up with this sister of mine has to be the genuine article.”
Charity smacked him.
Emma blushed. “Nice to meet you, Sean.”
“Emma, Charity tells me you and she met at Shaw’s and that you’ve worked there forever.” Faith dolloped potatoes on her plate, then handed them off to Collin.
Emma gave her a crooked smile. “Yes, I was actually Mrs. Shaw’s top sales clerk before Charity came on the scene. Dublin’s gentry took one look at her and pushed me aside.”
“Oh, pshaw. Don’t believe her. It took me a solid six months to catch up.” Charity removed a roll from the basket, eyed the lighter one on Brady’s plate and switched it with hers. He stared her down, but she ignored him.
“What happened to your face?” Katie asked.
“Katie Rose!” Marcy, Faith and Charity’s voices rang in shock.
Emma smiled. “No, it’s a natural question and one I don’t mind answering. I got in the way of a pan of hot grease, I’m afraid.”
Katie’s eyes bugged. “How did you do that?”
“Katie, zip it,” Charity warned.
“Someone accidentally threw it in my face.”
Forks, knives and spoons stilled as all eyes focused on Emma.
Charity cleared her throat and elbowed Sean, who stared as if Emma had just announced she was from the moon. “So, Sean, Mother tells me you finally wrangled a promotion.”
He chewed slowly, his eyes still fixed on Emma. He swallowed and turned to his sister. “Yeah, I did. Don’t look now, sis, but you’re rubbing shoulders with the Assistant Manager of the largest hardware mercantile in south Boston. Not to mention future manager of a new store.”
One of her brows slanted up. “Well, well. Must be those dangerous good looks drawing all the ladies in to buy nuts and bolts.”
He grinned and chomped on a roll. “Must be.”

Oh, and by the way, Emma’s name was originally Myrna. I know, I know, not as appropriate as “Emma,” but keep in mind that originally, Emma was to be just a comical bit character in the beginning of A Passion Redeemed. However, just like Cluny McGee was only meant to be a bit character in A Passion Denied (but charmed me into making him a huge subordinate character), “Myrna” charmed me as well when she came to Charity’s defense over and over again. I fell in love with her gentle loyalty so much, that I made her a critical part of the story in A Passion Redeemed.

I'm so glad you changed it to Emma! And I. Love. Cluny McGee. Just sayin'. :) Loved that excerpt from the book...definitely have to read it! The part about Charity switching rolls...oh my word. Lol! How can readers find you on the internet and/or get in touch with you?

I LOVE to hear from reader friends, so they can contact me through my Web site at, either by sending an e-mail via my site or by signing up for my newsletter at My newsletter is chock-full of fun info on my books and there’s always a contest featuring signed book giveaways including one right now to have a character named after you or a loved one in my next book. Also, I have a cool feature on my website called “Journal Jots” (, which is a very laid-back, Friday journal to my reader friends that would give your readers an idea as to my relaxed style of writing. Then finally, I can be found daily at The Seekers blog (, a group blog devoted to encouraging and helping aspiring writers on the road to publication.
Awesome, thanks so much, Julie! It's been a real pleasure to have you here!

Back to me from here on. :) Julie has kindly offered a giveaway! All you have to do is leave a comment here for Julie! The winner will be announced in January, right here on my blogAnd the winner will be contacted by Julie, so please leave an email address! Otherwise, you can't be entered. ((side note: make sure you leave it in this form to avoid spammers: charityu.austenite[at]gmail[dot]com ))
You could win your own copy of A Heart Revealed!

So just leave a comment, with your email, for Julie! She will be coming by to reply to you, so make sure you subscribe to comments. :)

Extra entries? Definitely!

If you posted about this week of giveaways, you get +2 entries!

+2 if you post about this particular interview and giveaway!

+2 if you follow Austenitis!

Now go ahead and enter! This is an international giveaway, that ends at midnight on December 31. :)


  1. Why haven't I found this blog before? I LOVE LOVE LOVE all things Austen! You've got a new follower here!!!

    Julie, I love your interviews they're always so fun. I laughed at the part about your son reading one of your books if you included baseball stats or something. My little brother is one of the smartest kids but let me tell you unless a book involves video games or he HAS to read it for school you're out of luck if you try to get him to pick up a book. What's wrong with these boys?! :-P

    Merry Christmas,
    Renee C.

  2. Julie, I loved how your husband really got into your book once he started reading it...and tears yet besides. What a wonderful man you have...he isn't afraid to show the sensitive side of him. So you've been known to bribe your children too!!

    I'm looking forward to reading about Emma. I really think we will hit it off quite nicely!

    Thanks for this giveaway. Blessings and Merry Christmas!

    Judy B

  3. I love this interview for one of my fav authors....I love the Queen of the Queen of Awards!!!!!!!!! Queen of Rejections would make a great title Julie!!!!!!! and yes I will certainly share this for other to read and enter. I'm honored to spread the word.

  4. Julie's books are very popular in our church library. My patrons will be excited to see a new book by her.

  5. Hey, Charity, thank you SO much for hosting me on my final blog interview/giveaway of 2011!!

    I did want to let you know that I would like to include my international reader friends as well because I never like to leave them out, you know?

    Thanks again for this opportunity and Happy Week Before Christmas to all!!


  6. Hi Julie and Charity! Great interview! I'm dying to get my hands on a copy of "A Heart Revealed". Thanks for this opportunity! I'm a blog follower, and here is the link to my tweet :-)!/gwengage


  7. I love this interview for one of my fav authors....I love the Queen of the Queen of Awards!!!!!!!!! Queen of Rejections would make a great title Julie!!!!!!! and yes I will certainly share this for other to read and enter. I'm honored to spread the word. and I did share on FB!!!!

  8. I would love to read Julie's book. I read her first book in this series and remember Emma's character. I'm going to post this on my facebook for 2 extra points.
    Debbie Malone
    debbiejeanm at gmail dot com

  9. I would love to be entered for Julie's book AHR.......I have read all her books and loved them. She is a great writer and great person.

  10. I just signed up to follow your blog through google friend connect.
    Great blog!

  11. so fun to read more about Julie... my daughter did an author study for school on Julie and we took in Irish beef stew, rolls, snickers and lifesavers for the whole class! My 7th grader really has enjoyed reading all of Julie's books and she loved doing the research for her project... keep writing, Julie! love ya!

  12. I loved your post. I love the fact that your husband loved your book and even cried when he read it. I look forward to reading your book It sounds wonderful. I love your writings and I've learned so much from you. Thanks to both of you.
    Glenda Parker

  13. I had to join your blog--how could I refuse with the blog's title? Love Austen.

    Hey, Julie! Guess what I asked for for Christmas? A copy of Gone With the Wind. Can you believe I've never read it? But since it inspired you, I decided I needed to read it. (And I'll get to, I know my sister bought it for me.)

    I already have AHR, and signed too! So, don't throw me in the hat.

  14. JULIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hello, darlin! You know I'd love to win a giveaway :D.

    And I love hearing your rejection story - because it means THERE'S HOPE!!!! :D

    Love ya lady!

    carolmoncado at gmail dot com

  15. I loved your first book. I am so glad (and many others I would think too) that you persevered through all those rejections since you have written some amazing books that will bless so many.

    Merry Christmas!


  16. I would love to win one of Julie's books!

    sandirog at gmail dot com

    Hugs in Him,


  17. I love the look of this blog! I'm a big Jane Austen fan!

  18. First to comment!!! Merry Christmas, Julie and Charity!

    Hard to believe you had that many rejections ~ I know so many people that LOVE your books! I haven't read any of your books yet, but I plan on reading A Passion Most Pure soon! :)

    I'd absolutely love to be entered in this giveaway! :)

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  19. I follow via GFC (1 of 2).

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  20. I follow Austenitis via GFC (2 of 2).

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  21. Please enter me for Julie's books and love Julie!!

    I signed up to follow on google friend connect.

  22. Julie...another wonderful interview...looking forward to reading sean & emma's story.

    charity...thanks for hosting julie on your fabulous blog.

    i'm a follower, too ;)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  23. LOL, RENEE!!! "What's wrong with these boys?" Uh, they're BOYS, that's what's wrong with them, which in the romance world ain't nothing wrong, as far as I'm concerned. Absolutely LOVE the difference between men and woman, boys and girls, and think we should celebrate it as God's perfect plan!! I took absolutely NO offense when my son didn't read my book and was totally BLOWN AWAY when my husband did. But he's an artist, and they are WAY more sensitive to the arts, so no huge surprise, I guess.

    Renee, thanks SO much for coming by, my friend -- it's fun to see your name pop up.


  24. Hey, JUDY, yeah -- I'm one lucky girl, no question, with a hubby like I have. He's an artist, so tends to be more sensitive when it comes to creativity, the arts, etc. BUT ... he even goes above and beyond that!! I have ALWAYS LOVED musicals from little on -- My Fair Lady, Sound of Music, Phantom of the Opera, you name it -- but it is SO hard to find a man that likes those movies too. Well, you guessed it -- I have a guy who not only likes musicals but LOVES romantic comedy and Doris Day movies as well (I LOVE Doris Day movies!!), so did I luck out or what??? And when he watches football, gun shows, NCIS and storage wars??? Fine by me -- I just read. :)

    Thanks for coming by, my friend, and let's see if we can't pull out a win for you with AHR, okay?


  25. VIRGINIA!!! Thanks SO much, my friend, not only for coming by to leave a comment, but for posting this on your FB page too.

    And Queen of Rejections, maybe, but Queen of Awards??? I wish!! But I've won a few, so I'm thrilled with those. And you're right -- "Queen of Rejection" would make a great title. I'll have to think on that ...

    Hugs and here's to a happy, healthy and holy holiday to you and yours AND all of the commenters on Charity's blog.


  26. LIBRARYBOOKS SAID: "Julie's books are very popular in our church library."

    WOW!!! Never, EVER thought I'd see THAT sentence said about my books, let me tell you!! A church librarian posted one-star reviews on ALL of my Daughters of Boston books, saying she had to take them out of the church library due to complaints. And then at a book signing in a small town once, a church librarian came up to tell me she couldn't put my books in the library for the same reason, so girl, THANK YOU for giving me hope!! I appreciate you coming by to leave a comment, and I wish you a win in the contest AND a blessed holiday season!


  27. GWEN!!! Soooo glad to see a Seeker friend here, girl, and we just HAVE to get a copy of AHR in your hot, little hands, you know that??? AHR is actual the most spiritual of all my books AND the least romantically passionate because Emma is married, so I had to limit any romantic encounters between them. But it's my husband's favorite of all my books (he LOVES Emma!), although A Hope Undaunted is my personal favorite, followed closely by Charity's story in A Passion Redeemed.

    Good luck in the contest, Gwen, and Merry Christmas to you and yours!


  28. I am a follower now by e-mail


  29. I would love to win this book! Please enter me. I am a follower of Austenitis. Thanks!

    sunshine6892 at hotmail dot com

  30. Hey, DEB, thank you for coming by, sweetie, and here's to a win. If you don't win here, I do have one other blog interview going on till 12/27 at Project Journal Blog so be sure to check it out, okay?

    I wish you and yours the happiest and holiest of holiday seasons!


  31. JACKIE!!! Girl, you are SO overdue on winning AHR, so I am hoping and praying you will pull out a win here or on the Project Journal link in my comment above. The only other giveaway I will have this year is in Seekerville for New Year's Eve, so be sure to check that out too, okay?

    Good luck, sweetie, and MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours!!


  32. LOL, JO!!! Now HERE is a true die-hard Daughters of Boston (which begins the O'Connor family saga) reader friend, doing an author study and serving Irish beef stew, rolls, snickers and lifesavers!! For those who have not read my books, Marcy O'Connor makes Irish stew several times as well as an abundance of dinner rolls (of which Charity O'Connor loves light rolls and switches her dark rolls for light whenever possible), Sean O'Connor has an addiction to Snicker bars in A Heart Revealed and Luke McGee and Katie O'Connor have a childhood history with Lifesavers.

    Jo, you ALWAYS make me smile when I see your name, my friend.

    LOVE YOU!!


  33. Aw, GLENDA, thank you SO very much for your sweet comment!! I'm glad I've been able to impart some "knowledge" to you in the past, but let's hope it's not how to be a CDQ (caffeinated drama queen!). :)

    And in my husband's defense, he didn't actually "cry," but he did tear up, which I consider pretty close for a guy, so I give him the sensitivity points!! ;)

    Thanks for coming by and GOOD LUCK in the contest and have a VERY blessed Christmas!


  34. WHOO-HOO, MELISSA!!! I am SO darn proud of you, girl -- we'll be soul sisters soon, you know??

    The only problem with raving about Gone With the Wind is that some of the younger generation just don't "get" why it's considered so good. Keep in mind that it was the hottest romance going way back then, and it literally swept people away with it's magnitude at the time (1930s), but by today's standards, some youngsters aren't impressed. But it won a Pulitzer Prize in Literature, so hey -- gotta have something going for it, right???

    Thanks for coming by, my friend, and PLEASE let me know what you think of Scarlett and Rhett ... :)


  35. CAROL!!!! You bet there's hope, sweetie, and I'm living proof!! I read all the time where authors get "nice" rejection letters from editors, complimenting their style or giving them feedback, but I never, EVER received one nice rejection. They were all pretty point-blank cruel, just about, saying they had "no interest in this project" and one even scrawled something like that across MY very own query letter, not even bothering to type me a rejection letter on their own letterhead!!

    So, YES, there is hope for anyone, but especially for you, sweetie pie, because I have read your work, and it's GOOD!!


  36. Thanks, JEN, I'm glad I persevered too, just to be able to connect with people like you and to write my heart about my favorite things -- God and romance! ;)

    Good luck in the contest, and I wish you and yours a happy, healthy and holy holiday season!


  37. SANDI!!! And I would dearly LOVE for you to win one of my books too, so that makes two of us, my friend.

    Soooo looking forward to reading your next book and I'm saying one for a win for you here.

    I pray your holiday season is happy and healthy and full of God's blessings, and your new year even better!


  38. Hey, MEL, I have my fingers crossed that you will enjoy A Passion Most Pure. It's not everyone's cup of tea (it's a tad more passionate than most CBA novels), but it can't be too bad if it won the American Christian Fiction Writers Book of the Year for 2009, right?? I sure hope you enjoy it, so if you do, PLEASE let me know. And if not ... uh, never mind! :|

    Good luck in the contest, sweetie, and here's to a happy and holy holiday season!


  39. I love reading Julie's books and I'd love to win this to add to my collection,thanks.
    sonflower277 at gmai dot com

  40. JACKIE, you're back!! I know you thought your other comment didn't take because I thought the same thing, but we're cranking now, so thanks for coming to make sure with a second post.

    You deserve a win, sweetie pie!!!

    Happy and holy holidays to you and yours.


  41. KAREN ... between you and Jackie S, you girls SOOO deserve a win before all is said and done, so I am hoping and praying that THIS is the blog that will do it, girl.

    Happy holidays to you and hours, my friend, and GOOD LUCK in the contest!


  42. Hi Julie, I still have this book on my wish list and hope that I may receive for Christmas.
    I love your books.
    Thanks for stopping by to chat and share with us.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  43. Forgot to say I am email subscriber

    I tweeted giveawawy!/misskallie2000/status/149743645216620546

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  44. I am a new follower here ! :)
    GFC - Gwen Ee
    email - GwenEe95(at)gmail(dot)com

  45. Charity~

    I'm another Austen fan who's so glad to find your blog... which I promptly followed.


    Emma as a bit character? APR just wouldn't be what it is without her. I absolutely love that your husband read APMP...and he's right. It is soooo good!

    I can't say enough what an encouragement you are to me. As a writer and as a Christian. I believe God is using you in a mighty way, through your books and otherwise, to do good in His Kingdom.

    I'm definitely in for the giveaway. I've been trying to win this book for months!

    As I mentioned, I'm a new follower.


  46. I'd love to win this book!

    And I'm already following Austenitis :)


  47. Would love to win one of Julie's books.....
    Merry Christmas

  48. Love the excerpt about Sean and Emma, Julie! Thanks for another opportunity to win!


  49. Hey, CATHY, trust me -- I'd love for you to win this book too, darlin', so GOOD LUCK in the contest, girl!!


  50. SONFLOWER ... LOVE that addy!! And I'm blessed that you have a "collection" of my books. AHR is my hubby's fave, so we definitely need to add that!! Good luck, my friend!!


  51. MISSKALLIE ... CanNOT believe you haven't won AHR yet, but glad to see you're still "working" on it, girl. I wish you a BLESSED Christmas as well, hopefully with a signed copy of AHR in the days ahead ...


  52. GWEN Ee ... thanks for coming by AND for following Charity's blog, Austenitis, dedicated to all things Austen. Uh ... my stuff is not so Austen-ish, I'm afraid and way, WAY more passionate in the romantic vein, but it's equally "passionate" about God as well, if not more, so that's a good thing, right?


  53. ANDREA!!! I soooo agree, my friend, which is why Emma evolved into a book of her own AND one that I would DEARLY love to send your way, so here's to a win!!

    And thank you for your kind words -- YOU are definitely an encouragement to me as well, girl, so BLESS YOU!!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!


  54. LOL Julie I know that most "boys" don't like romances but I was talking books in general. It's like pulling teeth to get my brothers (or any guys I know for that matter) to pick up a book. I do agree though, I love how different we are and life would NOT be as fun or interesting or as complicated if God didn't make it so. ;-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  55. Julie, there is no way I can decide which of your novels touched me the most. You, the person you are, your relationship with Christ, your intense thoughtfulness and kindness to others, you are everything I admire in a friend. We are acquainted, but I see you far more as a dear friend. Now, dear girl...I think I need to go back to the very beginning of the Boston series and read every one again, because I can't decide which one left me with more desire to be closer to was a bit more with each story. I felt like a member of the O'Conner family and loved each character as though they were my family. I haven't read Stephen/Steven's story yet and am looking forward to that joy. (sorry, my mind left me momentarily and I couldn't remember the correct spelling of his name!) So with that...I'll not take up more space and embarrass you! LOL I thank the hostess of your interview for the giveaway and the chance to win it. I know the person with the most need to read your writings will win the book for the right reasons. That's how remarkable our Lord is.

    Merry Christmas,
    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  56. Hi, I'm a new GFC follower of this blog. I also posted your badge on my blogspot.

    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  57. What an amazing blog! Probably one of the best kept secrets in the blogging world, but not anymore!

    Thanks for hosting Julie!! It's always an amazing adventure revisiting her story : ) I love it!

    But then, I love Julie!

    I'm definitely a new follower, but please don't put me in for drawings. Finding this gem is reward enough!

    Merry Christmas, all!!

  58. Interviews with Julie are always fun and her books are breathtaking, I love them both. Julie,I also am blessed with one of those rare men who enjoys musicals and Doris Day movies. :) Please include me for A Heart Revealed. Thanks!
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  59. I am a new follower.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  60. Hey, ANGELICA, thanks for coming by!! Here's hoping this nets you a win, my friend!


  61. Hey, JOY, hope you had a WONDERFUL Christmas, my friend, AND maybe we can supplement those presents under the tree with a win on this blog -- GOOD LUCK!!


  62. Thanks, GWEN, and I'm hoping we can get ALL the excerpts from that book into your hot, little hands, my friend, so GOOD LUCK and thanks for coming by.


  63. RENEE ... Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, my friend, and got at least some books (or Amazon/CBD gift cards) under the tree. :)

    That sure has been my experience with boys, that most do NOT like to read and the statistics I've read seem to indicate that women not only read more than men, but are more passionate about it.

    Happy New Year, sweetie!


  64. Aw, BARB, what a beautiful comment, my friend, and I feel the same way about you because we just seem to "click" right off the bat, you know? And goodness, I HOPE you haven't read Steven's story yet because it's not out till next year and needs additional editing, I'm quite sure!! :) But THANK YOU, not only for reading my books, but for being such a supportive friend. I wish you and yours the MOST blessed of new years!


  65. AUDRA!!! What a blessing to see your sweet face pop up, my friend -- it always tickles me to see one of my Seeker buds on various blogs, but ESPECIALLY you, girl, as we definitely share a close bond. Hope your Christmas was WONDERFUL!!


  66. JULIE!!!!!!
    Thx For Posting! Hey, did I tell you how much I LOVE your passion for God???
    Yep. Other authors might be ashamed sometimes to write about Him, but in everything you write it's God, God and wait... GOD!! Ouh and also, I just finished reading Liz Curtis Higgs's Bad Girls of the Bible and I can certainly understand why she's one of your favorite authors...Just like you, this woman is hot for God!!
    LOL.. Love ya Jules!
    Wishing you the Best for 2012.
    PS: Is A Love Surrended included in the giveaway?


    Ganise (

  67. Oups sorry!
    Ganise here, again.

    Here's the email again,in the form requested ganise_4life[at]hotmail[dot]com



  68. JULIEE!!!
    (Hmmh.. I've tried to comment before, but I guess it didn't show up, hope this one does :)
    Thx For posting!
    Julie, did I ever tell you that I LOVE your passion for God! Others might be ashamed to talk about Him sometimes, but in everything you write, GOD is always mentioned... How sweet !
    Wishing God's Children the Best for 2012,



  69. Julie is a fabulous writer! I enjoy her books! I didn't get AHR for Christmas, so it would be fantastic as a New Year's gift!

    May God continue to bless you as you write for him.



    P.S. Loved your Christmas "card" on your blog :)

  70. MERRY, SERIOUSLY??? You have a guy who loves musicals and Doris Day movies??? WHOA, BABY, hold on to him, girl, because he's a keeper!! :)

    Thanks SO much for coming by to leave a comment and sorry it took me SO long to answer. Good luck in the contest!!


  71. GANISE!!! You bet, girl, for you??? A Love Surrendered is included in the giveaway!! And have I ever told YOU how much I love YOUR passion for everything??? You have SO much life and fun in your comments and e-mails, I cannot imagine how great it would be to meet you in person, my friend, but I seriously hope to one day, God willing. Good luck in the contest and here's to blessings galore in 2012 for you and yours.


  72. WENDI ... YES, we need to get AHR in your hot, little hands, my friend, so thanks for coming by!! And thank you for your kind words as well -- SO appreciated!! Here's to a win and I wish you the BEST New Years ever!!


  73. ack, how could I have missed this? I love Ms. Julie's books and I can't wait for her new series as well!


    I'm also a new subscriber!


Hi! I'm delighted you're leaving a comment! Thank you so much - comments make my day. Just make sure that yours is polite, free of bad language, and that it honors God. :) I will probably not reply to your comment, much as I would love to - my life is simply for too busy. Sorry! But again, thanks for commenting.