
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Witness: Voices from the Holocaust

Author: compiled by Joshua M. Greene and Shiva Kumar

Genre: World War II
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5
Type: Non-fiction
Number of pages: 269
Time period: World War II, 1930’s, 1940’s
My overall opinion: Wow. This book was incredibly moving. So back in the 1980’s or so, a bunch of video testimonies were taken of Holocaust survivors telling their experiences from before the war, in the ghettos, in concentration camps, and after the war. Also American soldiers who were POW’s in Germany, a Hitler Youth member, a priest, and resistance fighters.  The authors of this book transcribed those videos. It’s heart-wrenching. Sad. Moving. Amazing. There’s not just heroes here...some really weren’t heroic, just survived. Very eye-opening, especially if you haven’t read much WWII stuff before. Definitely something you’ll learn from.  Heavy material, but important to know about.

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