
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Spotlight: Gene Kelly

(note that this isn't quite a normal Spotlight post -- I'm doing an actor, instead of a movie character. But this guy doesn't have enough pictures of any single character for me to do that, so I'm doing him instead. P.S. I'm very sad...I haven't done a Spotlight since August! My apologies.)

(in Brigadoon, my favorite of the three Gene Kelly films I've seen)

(also from Brigadoon)

(yes, those are also Brigadoon pictures...there's more out there than I thought!)

(starting in on Singin' in the Rain pictures, from here on down to further notice. Love that smile!)

(he's on the far right)

(end of Singin' in the Rain pictures)

(beginning American in Paris pictures until further notice)

(end of American in Paris)

(those two are from The Pirate which I haven't seen yet)

(yes, that's him)


  1. K, I love Gene Kelly... which you already knew, but still. ;)
    I didn't know he and Judy Garland were in a movie together, though. The Pirate is definitely on my 'must-see' list now!

  2. I Love Gene Kelly,especilally in Singin' in the Rain.


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