
Monday, February 27, 2012

Eleanor: Crown Jewel of Aquitaine

Author: Kristiana Gregory
Genre: Journal
Series: The Royal Diaries (not really a series, more of a set – diaries of princesses from around the world in all different historical eras)
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8
Type: Historical fiction
Number of pages: 187
Time period: 1100’s
My overall opinion: It was good. A few times, body functions are mentioned (as happens with some regularity in this series) but it’s not explicit, and I would allow my younger sisters (ages 12 and 14) to read this. I think it’s fairly accurate, but since there’s not a ton of info about Eleanor, some is certainly fiction.  


  1. If memory serves me correctly, I enjoyed reading this one when I was a young teen. This series was so fun - I put several of them on birthday and/or Christmas lists. =D

  2. I read this book and enjoyed it very much. I have always had a fondness for Eleanor of Aquitaine. She was quite and interesting player in the history of the time. It does have a lot more fiction than fact, but not in a bad way. The facts that are put in was interesting, as I did not know much about Eleanor's childhood.

  3. I also read this book and found it a fun read. I also enjoy the other books in this series. :)

  4. I loved reading this series when I was 15. She was one of my personal favorites.

  5. Rissi, yup, these are perfect for young teens!

    Elizabeth, she is a riveting person. The mother of such interesting sons!

    Analiese, good to see you here.

    Katelyn, she is most interesting. :)

  6. I have only been able to read a little of this book,but I think I would enjoy it.


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