
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Spotlight: Gilbert Blythe

Hi there! It's Alyianna again with my second and last guest post - on Gilbert Blythe. I hope you all like it. I decided to concentrate on the Gilbert side that wanted to be with Anne...which, of course, meant I had to have some Anne Shirley in this post, too.

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Well, the elegant and illustrious Miss Shirley. Relaxed while seeking out ideas for her next Rollings Reliable writing assignment, I presume.

He loved Anne Blythe from the very beginning, when she was not interested in him in the least.

Unfortunately, he didn't get off to a good start with Anne, calling her by the most detestable nickname to her ears...

Psst! Carrots! Carrots!

After that, Anne ignored him in a very crushing way. Even when Gilbert finally won Anne's friendship, he did not win her love.

Have you ever felt sorry for a person in a movie, who had to wait the whole movie to win another's love? That's what Gilbert had to face.

You just think that you love me.

Anne, I've loved you as long as I can remember. I need you.

~ ~ ~

Anne, there's not going to be any wedding anymore.

You're gonna get well, Gil. I know you are.

I called it off. It wouldn't be fair to Christine.

There would never be anyone for me but you.

It'll be three years before I finish medical school. Even then there won't be any diamond sunbursts or marble halls.

You know, every day I would pick a different memory of you and play it over and over and over again in my mind, until every hair, every freckle, every part of you was exactly as I remembered. 

I've loved you ever since the day you broke your slate over my head.


  1. Gilbert Blythe is one of the best literary heroes ever!

  2. :) Delightful. Thanks so much for posting, Alyianna!

  3. One of my favorite literary characters! I love how patient he was with Anne.

  4. Thank you soooo very much for posting this!!!!!! I wish it wasn't your last!! we have to keep this incredible lovestory alive!!! <3<3<3 everyone deservse to feel love like anne and gilbert...


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