
Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Author: Randy Alcorn
Genre: Life, Christianity
Series: It has at least one sequel. Called Dominion.
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: About 400
Time period: Present (or as present as it was in ’94)
My overall opinion: It was good. I loved the peek into Heaven…really makes you want to get there sooner! There was some heavy material, and I would recommend for older readers only. It was quite a riveting book, and enjoyed it a lot! It was a little out of date, published in 1994 – there’s a journalist and the book goes into some detail about how he writes his columns and how the stuff is printed…and it’s low-tech compared to now. And then the crime stuff is outdated too – so much more advanced now! But if you can ignore that, it’s great. J


  1. Deadline and Dominion are both good, but the best one is Deception, the last one. I actually read it first though, but it still made perfect sense!! Deception is one of my all-time favorite books; it was the first book that made me laugh out loud! I love, love, love it!! It's sooo amazing!

  2. Payton, thanks for the recommendation! I will hope to get ahold of those someday. :)


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