
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fatal Judgment

Author: Irene Hannon
Genre: Suspense, romance
Series: Guardians of Justice
Number in series: 1st
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 330
Time period: Present
Passage from book: At the vibrating summons from his BlackBerry, Deputy U.S. Marshal Jake Taylor clenched his hands on the steering wheel and stifled a groan. Except for two hours of semi-restful downtime he’d enjoyed during the flight back to St. Louis from Denver, he’d been operating for almost twenty-four adrenaline-packed hours on high-alert status. His plan had been to head straight home for his rented condo, ignore the boxes waiting to be unpacked, and crash. But a quick glance at caller ID told him that plan was probably toast.
My overall opinion: It was very good. Super exciting, and a sweet romance on the side. I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it.

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