
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

When the Smoke Clears

Author: Lynette Eason
Genre: Adventure (suspense, really)
Series: Deadly Reunions
Number in series: 1st
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9.5
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 340
Time period: Present (actually, this April!)
Passage from book: “Flames licked higher, swallowing everything in their path. The curtains, the recliner…her father and sister.

Blinking the nightmare away, eighteen-year-old Alexia Allen clutched her diploma and looked out over the audience.”

My overall opinion: LOVE! I loved this story. It had a little really sweet romance, a wonderful and very exciting adventure, and a mystery through-out. And the end was enough solved to satisfy me, while still requiring that I read the next book! Make sense? This was an awesome book and I highly recommend it. Absolutely stunning. You need to read it!


  1. I was looking at your banner and noticed something - is that a picture of the Scarlet Pimpernel on the top right?

  2. Katelyn, yup. :) Also two pictures down. :D I figured, hey, it's ALMOST Austen, right?


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