
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Annoying Ladies Mini-Tournament Round 2!

I must admit that the number of people who voted in Round 1 delighted more! More than 60 voted, all told. The winners of Round 1 have been chosen by the voters – here are the poll results! The winners of each poll are bolded. The percents are what they were on Tuesday night.

Poll 1:

Kitty Bennet -- 38%
Fanny Dorrit -- 62%

Poll 2:
Fanny Thornton -- 36%
Mary Musgrove -- 63%

Poll 3:
Caroline Bingley -- 78%
Harriet Smith -- 21%

Poll 4:
Anne Steele -- 64%
Miss Bates -- 35%
Poll 5:
Jane Fairfax -- 24%
Louisa Hurst -- 75%

Poll 6:
Josie Pye -- 38%
Lucy Steele -- 61%

Poll 7:
Elizabeth Elliot -- 72%
Julia Bertram -- 27%

Poll 8:
Mrs. Elton -- 90%
Mary Bennet -- 10%

Now, on to Round 2! The contestants are (set against each other randomly) –

Poll 1: Elizabeth Elliot (Persuasion) vs. Louisa Hurst (Pride and Prejudice)

Poll 2: Mrs. Elton (Emma) vs. Fanny Dorrit (Little Dorrit)

Poll 3: Mary Musgrove (Persuasion) vs. Caroline Bingley (Pride and Prejudice)

Poll 4: Lucy Steele (Sense and Sensibilty) vs. Anne Steele (Sense and Sensibility)

Wow. I thought the last round had a few hard polls…this one is all hard polls! Did you notice that there are three siblings sets competing (but only two sisters against each other)? They are Elizabeth Elliot and Mary Musgrove, Louisa Hurst and Caroline Bingley, and the Steele sisters. I'd love to hear who you vote for!


  1. Yes! Round 2!

    I said Louisa Hurst for poll 1, but not quite sure why...

    Definitely Mrs. E! She is just so loud!

    I said Miss Bingley originally, but I think I'll have to go with Mary Musgrove.

    Definitely Lucy! At least Anne was funny at times!

    Can't wait to see how everyone votes!

  2. Okay, here's who I'm voting for:

    1. Elizabeth Elliot
    2. Mrs. Elton... just because she's more distinctly annoying. Fanny is just selfish, but some of the time I actually like her a tad. (Some of the time. :P)
    3. Caroline Bingley
    4. Ooh! Sisters! Hmm... Lucy.

  3. So enjoying this tournament! I really dislike Mary Musgrove and Mrs. Elton. Both very annoying people. Looking forward to the end of this tournament. :)

  4. I'M going for Miss Bingley and Mrs. Elton!!! Had SO much fun seeing who one last time...

    Everyone I thought would win did. :)

  5. Yes, Mrs. Elton is pretty awful. :) Thanks, all, for commenting and voting! :)

  6. Fanny Dorrit is definitely a winner for the annoying & obnoxious prize :p


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