
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 01 – Random

15 Random Things about Me

#1. I have four younger siblings and none older. That’s three girls and one boy. Plus me. J
#2. I have a camera I love. You’re going to see pictures in the coming month that I’ve taken with it!
#3. Blue is my favorite color.

#4. Orlando Bloom is much better with blond hair than brown, in my opinion. All my brown-haired friends disagree. Yup, I’m blond.

#5. I have four best friends. I’m lucky. J
#6. Favorite school subject is literature. Which is silly, because I read so much that there’s really not much work involved. I dislike math, science, economics. :P

#7. Something you might not know about me…hmmm. I love watching a good gun battle in a movie. Old Westerns are awesome.
(no idea where that picture is from)
#8. I love dark chocolate, I can enjoy milk chocolate, and I mostly dislike white chocolate.

#9. I love teacher aiding at our local gradeschool. It’s a new experience in more than one way. I’m in the library right now…what better place for me?
#10. Pictures are a must when any friend comes over for a little while.
#11. Red-white-and-blue is my all-time favorite color combo. I even decorated my room in those colors!

#12. I collected paper dolls for several years, and still have about 60 sets. I love cutting them out, but now that I have all the best sets…
#13. I own a pistol. Well, not officially, but it’s mine. Ruger .22 Mark III. I love it. J
#14. Jeans are my favorite item of clothing.
#15. I read between one and four hours per day…on a recent Sunday, I had 4 ½ hours in the afternoon! Pure bliss. J


  1. Am looking forward to the month of April to see what you have up your sleeve. I wish I had as much time to read as you do!!

  2. Hi Charity! Check out my first day here:

    How fun to be a teacher's aide. I was a volunteer parent when my girls were in school. I also volunteered in the library which eventually got me a job in that library! I got paid to do my favorite in a library and help put books into kids hands! Awesome!

    Wow! You get to read A LOT during the day. I try to get in a couple of hours but it is usually broken up by other responsibilities, never in one sitting. I agree, it is pure bliss when I can spend an extended amount of time in a book!

    How fun! Looking forward to seeing what the rest of the month holds!

    Julie @ My Favorite Pastime

  3. Coolio it was fun to read

  4. These are really interesting random things about you!

    Literature is indeed a wonderful subject. I detest the subjects you dislike, too. Somehow, I always found them to be terribly confusing.

    Wow! That's a lot of paper dolls sets.

    Oh my word. You own a pistol. What a lucky girl you are!

  5. Kathryn, ah, I am blessed in how much reading time I have! :)

    Julie, plan to check it out soon! Being a teacher's aide really is a ton of fun...and if it lead to a library job, who am I to object? ;) Pure bliss...surely it's defined as a great book and a long uninterrupted time... :)

    KayleeBeth, glad you enjoyed it!

    Jemimah, yay! We think alike on the school subjects! What can I say? I love paper dolls. And yes, the pistol...LOVE. :) A great Christmas present!


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