Author: Trica Goyer, Mike Yorkey
Genre: Suspense, just a touch of romance
Series: It’s a sequel to Swiss Courier, but I think you could fully enjoy this one without reading that one.
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 325
Time period: 1940’s (end of World War II), World War II
My overall opinion: It was very exciting, and very fun! Really neat to read about the same characters as in Swiss Courier, plus some new ones. And a great World War II adventure! I found the whole section in the sewer to be very interesting. And yes, they really do go in a sewer! It was a riveting book, and if you enjoy suspense, this is a good book for you!
Charity: I'm Mike Yorkey, the co-author of "Chasing Mona Lisa," and I want to thank you for your thumbs'-up review. Yes, the sewer part was interesting (and tastefully done). I happen to be in France with my wife, Nicole, and just finished a D-Day tour a couple of days ago. Who knows . . . maybe more ideas are percolating.