
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Cry in the Night

Author: Colleen Coble
Genre: Adventure, mystery
Series: Rock Harbor Mystery
Number in series: 4th
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9 (9.25)
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 289
Time period: Present
My overall opinion: Wow! Even though I’m giving this one the same rating as the third book, Into the Deep, I liked this one a tad more. Prepare for some surprising and rather alarming twists! I never suspected what this book had in store. And did I ever enjoy it! If you’ve enjoyed anything by Colleen Coble, make sure you read this series. But read them in order or it won’t make much sense!

1 comment:

  1. I love this series and Colleen Coble is one of my favorite authors! Her book "Abomination" is one of my all-time favorites (it even has some of the characters from the Rock Harbor series in it).

    Glad you liked this book, Charity! :)


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