
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Girl Talk

Author: Nicole O’Dell, and her daughters – Natalie and Emily
Genre: How-to (a book of advice in the form of questions from real girls and answers)
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5
Type: Non-fiction
Number of pages: 223
My overall opinion: This is a wonderful and helpful book for any teen girl. It’s aimed more at girls who have problems that I (as a homeschooled girl) haven’t encountered so much – things including peer pressure, parents with divorce issues, fighting parents, keeping themselves pure, and much more. Not to say that homeschoolers don’t have those problems! It’s more that those things haven’t yet been a huge issue for me. For each question asked, Nicole gives a reply, and one of her daughters also gives perspective. The girls are fifth and eighth graders. It’s all written from a Christian perspective.
Questions range from “How can I fit in without sacrificing my modesty?” and “I’m supposed to trust that God loves me and wants the best for me, but if He knows I am hurting, why doesn’t He just help me?” to “What can I do to make friends and have others notice me in a good way?” A total of 180 questions are answered in this book. The Bible is often quoted.
Like I said, some of these girls are dealing with really tough things, including pregnancy and even suicidal thoughts. Nicole and her daughters handle all these hard things with good advice. However, the book may be a little much for girls under…13 or so. It depends on the girl’s maturity.
Overall, a great book that I recommend! The questions and answers are organized by topic, making it easy to look up an answer to an especial problem.
**The author sent me a free copy of the book in return for an honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own. I was compensated for this review in no other way, and was not required to post a positive review.**

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