
Saturday, August 25, 2012


Author: Jill Eileen Smith
Genre: Life (and I really want to put Biblical fiction here…because it’s SO based on that)
Series: The Wives of King David
Number in series: 1st
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5 (actually 8.75)
Type: Historical fiction
Number of pages: 382
Time period: David’s time…so around 1000 B.C.
My overall opinion: Before I start, let me announce that this is one of the very first books that I EVER paid list price for. Because 90% of the time (probably more), if I buy a book, I buy it cheap from Amazon. Or I ask for it for Christmas. Or I find it free somewhere. Or I get a review copy. But I have enjoyed Jill Eileen Smith’s books Bathsheba and Sarai so much, that I paid full price for this one. So I’m really glad I liked it!

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