
Thursday, August 23, 2012


Author: Suzanne Hartmann
Genre: Suspense, life
Series: Fast Track Thrillers
Number in series: 1st
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 222
Time period: Present
My overall opinion: I enjoyed this more than I had anticipated! I’m not real into NASCAR, and I assumed that that was what this book was about. However, once I started it, I discovered I wasn’t entirely right. There was some NASCAR stuff, but there was lots of other stuff too! It was very exciting – absolutely packed with suspense. The main character was a likeable woman, with some remarkable and unique things about her. You’ll have to read the book to learn more about that. There was a serious case of double identity too! Very neat. There were a few things I didn’t love so much – specifically that one guy (Stuart) was slightly less discerning than I think most people in his position would have been. He would have caught on sooner than he did, let’s just say that. Also, I didn’t like Stuart and Joanne’s relationship very much, specifically Stuart’s side of it. He should have clamped down harder on his feelings. Other than that, though, it was a wonderful book, and I can’t wait for the next one!

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