Author: Karen
Genre: Life
Series: Redemption
Number in
series: 1st
My rating
on a 1-10 scale: 8.5
Type: Fiction
Number of
pages: 555 (large-print)
period: Present (actually around 2000)
My overall
opinion: A splendid book. It had been several months since I’d read a Karen
Kingsbury, and it was surprising how nice it was to get back to one! She truly
does have an amazing talent. I enjoyed learning the story that I’d heard hinted
at in later series – they all connect somehow, you know. Or most of them, at
least. But it’s fun to see some of the people who I know later get married to
each other before they’re married. Getting the full backstory, finally. Anyway,
great book, and I can’t wait to finish the series!
I like your new backgound! And I'm glad your first blog button is working again. :)