Author: Agatha
Genre: Mystery
Series: This book
isn’t in a series, and as far as I know, the characters don’t appear in any
other Agatha Christie books. However, the book is kind of a collection of short
stories, all involving the same main characters.
My rating
on a 1-10 scale: 8.5
Type: Fiction
Number of
pages: Probably abou
period: 1800’s
My overall
opinion: Quite as usual, this book by Agatha Christie was amazing. How in
the world she comes up with these mysteries is beyond me! The stories in The Mysterious Mr. Quin were interesting
and spell-binding. You won’t be able to put it down in the middle of a story!
Thankfully, this book has lots of smaller stories – with most books by
Christie, you just HAVE to read it the whole way through. This one’s good for
picking up when you have a few minutes.
Unfortunately, I keep putting it down in the middle of the stories ... forgetting about the story, and then reading something else. So I think our feelings about it are quite opposite? (quiz: where did I get THAT line?) But you've made me want to re-read "Last Jew of Rotterdam". Where is it - do you happen to know - and can you please send it over to my dresser? --hotchocolate.a