Singer: Scotty
My rating on a 1-10
scale: 9
Type of music: Country!
List of songs:
- Let It Snow
First Noel
Jingle Bells
Holly Jolly Christmas
Winter Wonderland
Christmas in Heaven
Mary Did You Know?
Christmas Comin’ Round Again
O Holy Night
The Christmas Song (Chesnuts)
Santa Claus is Back in Town
My overall opinion: My favorites were Let
It Snow, First Noel, Holly Jolly Christmas, Christmas in Heaven, Christmas
Song. And yes. That’s half the CD. I really like it! First Noel wins the prize for absolute top favorite…Noelle is
actually my middle name! I LOVE Scotty’s voice on that one! There is really a
wide variety of songs, and to some extent, styles in this album. Christmas Song was quite slow and peaceful,
and Jingle Bells…another interesting
variation! It amuses me how each artist does that one so differently. I didn’t
like Mary Did You Know? so much, but
that’s more because I don’t really like the song than from the way he did it.
Because he does it nicely. Christmas in
Heaven is a close second to First
Noel, and the words are very interesting… “And I wonder…is the snow fallin’
down on the streets of gold? Are the mansions all covered in white? …..I wonder
what Christmas in Heaven is like.” I’d never thought about that before – had
you? Finally, Santa Claus is Back in Town
has a fun style, and is a great wrap-up. All around, a CD worth buying!
I Love this CD. Christmas in Heaven gets me teary eyed every time I hear it.