
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Miss Hildreth Wore Brown

Author: Olivia deBelle Byrd
Genre: Life, humor
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9
Type: Non-fiction with exaggeration. :)
Number of pages: 157
Time period: Present
Passage from book: {{see bottom of this review}}
My overall opinion: A book that will have you laughing from the first page! It’s packed with 41 chapters on a huge variety of topics that you will identify with, from “Christmas Sweaters” and “Mint Juleps” to “Robert Redford” and “Hair.” It’s hilarious, as the above excerpts show! A book that’ll make you lean back to laugh, then exclaim “That’s SO TRUE! But I never thought of it before!” You’ll want all your friends to read it. It’s a great cheer-me-up if you’ve had a long day – just pick it up, flip to any chapter, and find yourself laughing in seconds! I highly recommend it.

Excerpt from Miss Hildreth Wore Brown #1: I really am totally dysfunctional when it comes to technology. The first time I tried to type a manuscript on the computer my son walked in while I was measuring the screen with a ruler. He totally fell out. Between gales of laughter he howled, “Why didn’t Microsoft think of that? They could have included a ruler in every software package.” Seems I was trying to center the title and all you had to do was click one little icon. Who knows these things anyway?
Excerpt from Miss Hildreth Wore Brown #2: I was having trouble with dollar weeds in my grass so I went to [a master gardener neighbor’s] plant stand. She gave me advice which I followed to a tee. It worked beautifully. It killed every single dollar weed, as well as every blade of grass. As we stood gazing at my brown lawn, I said to my neighbor’s husband, “I have a great way for y’all to make your first million. You can get your wife to give advice on killing dollar weeds and then sell sod in her plant stand.” Like I said, they have a wonderful sense of humor if you find brown grass funny.
**Olivia sent me a free copy of this book in return for an honest review. I was not obligated to give a positive review. All opinions expressed are truly mine.**

1 comment:

  1. This looks great!! I absolutely LOVE the cover, it just draws me right in :) I know, I know, don't judge a book by its cover, but this sure is a fun one. Plus it got a great review, must be good! The excerpts had me giggling already :P Will have to try and keep my eye out for this one. Nice review!


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