
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tyndale Blog Tour: Walking with Frodo

Author: Sarah Arthur

Genre: Devotional

Series: Sarah has also written Walking with Frodo but it’s not a series.

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8

Type: Non-fiction

Number of pages: 194

My overall opinion: I think I liked Ed Strauss’ Hobbit Devotional better, but this one was also an excellent read and very enjoyable. Each chapter will take you 5-15 minutes to read (depending on how fast of a reader you are), and includes a bit of Hobbit story in (naturally) chronological order. After the story part, it goes on to an application, some questions to consider, and five or more Bible passages related to the topic. There are a total of 22 chapters. The questions are amazing (they WILL leave you thinking!). Chapter titles include (among others) Plans Go Astray, Help Un-Looked For, Stick to the Path, True Identity, and Where Your Treasure Is. The book is full of excellent writing, and I would certainly recommend it for Hobbit fans!

**Tyndale sent me this book for free as part of the blog tour that I signed up for. I was not required to review it positively. All opinions are my own.**

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