
Monday, January 28, 2013

200 Follower Giveaways!

I have long promised to have a giveaway when Austenitis reached 200 followers...and it's now at 201. Thank you to each and every one of you! So now it's time for me to carry out that promise and give y'all a giveaway. But I was feeling SO good about 201 followers that I decided...we're having two giveaways, with two winners, for two awesome books. You can enter both, or just one -- your choice.

Also, note that Austenitis got a Facebook page just can earn 10 extra entries in EACH giveaway by liking it! If I reach 51 likes on that page by the end of the giveaway (that is, by February 8), I'll add another great book (The Dilemma of Charlotte Farrow by Olivia Newport) and another winner. 51 because after all, I liked the page myself, so I need 50 others to like it.

Each of these giveaways ends on February 8, 2013. Continental US addresses only, please.

First giveaway is for No Safe Harbor by Elizabeth Ludwig:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And the second giveaway, the one that I kept a mystery for a while is for... Vanished by Irene Hannon!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. So cool, Charity! Best of luck with your giveaways! :) Congrats.

  2. ooh! Want the first book very much... :)

  3. Well, I just finished One glorious Ambition by Jane Kirkpatrick the other day. It was okay, but not my favorite book in the world, but it was educational. I'm expecting The Fairest Beauty any day now in the mail, and I can't wait to read it!

  4. I'm reading No Safe Harbor right now! Would love to own it ;)

  5. I'm currently reading Bleak House by that oh-so-famous author. Would I recommend it? YES! :D

  6. I love the cover of No Safe Harbor!

  7. Hi Charity! I've been a "silent follower" for quite some time now, checking on your opinions for books, etc. Thanks for having the giveaway!

  8. Well I am actually in the middle of 5 books right now-Too Close to Home by Lynette Eason, Wonderland Creek by Lynn Austin, Waiting for Morning by Margaret Brownley, A Cast of Stones by Patrick W. Carr, and Let Them Eat Cake by Sandra Byrd-and I would actually recommend them all so far!
    Congrats on 200 Followers!

  9. Well after I finish those five I need to read Safe in His Arms by Colleen Coble for review!

  10. HAYDEN, I haven't loved Jane Kirkpatrick's books...guess I only read one, about the mother/daughter duo who walked across America. Hope you love "Fairest Beauty!"

    KIRI LIZ, I need to read "Bleak House!" Watched the TV series, but haven't read the book. Yet.

    TEDDY, nice to meet you! Hope my reviews have helped. :)

    ABBI, oh, good books! Lynette is a great author, and I enjoyed the series you're starting...the third was best, imho. Margaret is also a fun author. I tried Lynn Austin's newest...can't remember the title, but couldn't get into it. :( Just finished a book by Patrick CRAIG that was really good -- different authors, different books though. Sandra Byrd is delightful in her series about King Henry VIII and his wives...haven't read the series you mention yet though. And I did enjoy the one Colleen Coble I read! :)

  11. Right now I'm reading Judge by R.J. Larson and it's just as good as the first one, which I loved!

  12. I'm reading 'An Heiress at Heart' by Jennifer Delamere. Picked it up at a used book store recently and have been pleasantly surprised!

  13. I have just finished Goodbye to Yesterday by Wanda E. Brunstetter and yes I definitely recommend it! :)

    I'm about to start When the Heart Heals and I don't know yet.

  14. I have just started reading An Amish Kitchen. I highly recommend the book to anyone who likes Amish fiction.
    Katie J.

  15. Currently reading: The Return to Zion by Bodie Thoene on paperback (highly recommended!!!), and trying The Phantom of the Opera online.... my first non-real book, so it's a little weird :/

  16. I am currently reading Veil of Pearls by MaryLu Tyndall. I'm not very far into it, but I do recommend it so far!

  17. PATTY, I love the cover for that book! It's on my TBR pile. :)

    AMADA, Wanda is a favorite author of mine, but I haven't been able to start that newest series yet. Glad to hear it's good!

    KATIE, I do enjoy Amish fiction in moderation...might have to try that one someday. :)

    BATZION, I love that series by the Thoenes! They're some of my favorite authors. And Phantom...I haven't read that, but would love to someday. I know, reading ebooks takes some getting used to...definitely prefer physical copies.

    MARISSA, I've heard a lot of good things about that book! Definitely planning to read someday. :)

    Thanks all for your fun comments! I'm loving what everyone's reading. Make sure you subscribe in case I reply to you! :)

  18. congratulations, charity.

    i'm currently reading lynn austin's latest novel 'all things new' have you read it?

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  19. Oh, and I forgot... the book I'm reading next is Only A Novel!! Can't wait! :D

  20. Gotta love books! =)
    I am reading a handful of books..."Kisses From Katie" by Katie Davis, "Bleak House" by Charles Dickens, "The School of Obedience" by Andrew Murray, and "North and South" by Elizabeth Gaskell :)

  21. Oh! I YES, I recommend, so far, all of the books I've listed!

  22. Well after I get through my pile of books I'm reading currently, I plan to read a fan-fiction of "North and South" by the title of "Heart for Milton", and a whole bunch more :D

  23. Congratulations on reaching 200! That's fun, isn't it? :) :) :)

    I'm currently reading The Fairest Beauty right now! I highly recommend it, as I see you do on your sidebar right there! Cool! :)

    Thanks for the opportunity to enter these great giveaways!

    inspiringdaring (at) yahoo (dot) com

  24. Congrats on having over 200.
    I would love to read one of these.
    I follow this site by email.

  25. KARENK, I did actually give Lynn's newest a try...couldn't get into at all. I don't know if it really was the book, or just the fact that I had a lot that I was more excited about at the time...either way, didn't enjoy. But I'd like to try her again someday!

    KIRI LIZ, you mean Amy's book from YAPDB? If so...I'm jealous. Let me know what you think! :)

    RAECHEL, Bleak House is on my to-read list...and I've previously read N&S. Didn't love it, but it was fairly good. :) I haven't heard of that fan-fiction before...let me know if it's any good! I have a sister who loves N&S, so. :)

    RACHELLE REA, so glad you like "Fairest Beauty"! It is one awesome book, and I really enjoyed it, as you noticed. :) Good luck with winning!

    JAN, thanks for commenting, and good luck in the giveaways! :)

  26. I am currently reading A Promise to Love by Serena B. Miller. I've only read 53 pages, but so far, I really like it. Quite an interesting group of characters!

  27. I'm currently reading an old mystery book by Mary Roberts Rinehart, titled "Miss Pinkerton." If you like mysteries, you will enjoy this. I think she ranks with Agatha Christie, Patricia Wentworth, and Dorothy L. Sayers. These are all classic mystery writers.


  28. I'm going to comment again so I can enter the drawing for "Vanished" as well. I'm not sure what I will read next. It might be "Wedded to War" by Jocelyn Green, or perhaps one of the many books on my Kindle. I think I'll see what kind of mood I'm in.
    I read in the comments that a couple of you haven't really enjoyed Jane Kirkpatrick's books. I think she is a wonderful writer. I've probably read 10 or more of her books and enjoyed them very much. She makes history come alive. Most of her books are based on real people and/or events. I'm not putting you down for your opinion, but just want to let other readers hear a different opinion.


  29. I am reading October Baby and it's wonderful. I saw the movie first and enjoyed it and I'm liking how the book is filling in scenes and what characters are thinking. Definitely recommend! shopgirl152nykiki(at)yahoo(dot)com

  30. KAY, I've heard that Serena Miller's book are good...glad to hear you think so too. :)

    PAM, I'll have to look that author up someday! I do enjoy Agatha Christie. :) Thanks also for giving your opinion about Jane Kirkpatrick's books...I'll try another of hers someday. :)

    VERONICA,I've heard of that movie, pretty sure...didn't know there was a book though! Another thing to add to my "someday" list. :)

  31. I'm reading Nobody's Princess by Esther Friesner. It's not bad, but not especially good either. Next, I plan to read either Obsessed by Ted Dekker or one of the Betsy-Tacy books.

  32. I am currently reading "The Eleventh Hour", the first book of the secret of the rose series by micheal philips. It is very good, and I definitely would reccomend it!


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