Title: Jane
Austen’s Little Advice Book
Author: Cathryn
Michon, Pamela Norris
Book blurb: In Jane Austen's Little Advice Book,
Austen's own words are mixed with the fascinating facts of her biography and
the times in which she lived, completing a lighthearted and loving look at this
most enduring writer. Those who know Miss Austen's work only from screen
adaptations should enjoy reading her actual, wonderful words; those who have
loved her novels will enjoy rediscovering the brightest moments of her sparkling
wit and vivid insight into human nature.
these charmless, graceless, loud, hurried times, we desperately long for the
serene voice of good sense, good humor and good manners. Never have we needed
Jane Austen more.
Quick endorsement: While
searching for my review of this book, I discovered that somehow, I’d never
written one. So I had to write and publish one spur-of-the-moment now! This is
such a fun little Austen book – a delightful gift.
Putting it on my wish list!