
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Catherine’s Pursuit

Author: Lena Nelson Dooley

Genre: Life, adventure

Series: McKenna’s Daughters

Number in series: 3rd

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5

Type: Fiction

Number of pages: 286

Time period: 1800s

Publisher and price: Realms, $14.99

My overall opinion: What a great book! As Lisa Wingate says on the front cover, it is indeed a “heartwarming tale.” The story is fully satisfying (once you reach the end) and provides a complete conclusion for the McKenna’s Daughters series. While I still haven’t had the chance to read book 2, Mary’s Blessing, I did read and greatly enjoy book 1, Maggie’s Journey – incidentally, I think #1 had my favorite cover…but this one is a close second. They’re all so neat! Anyway, back to Catherine…this book isn’t a stand-alone, but even though I’ve missed book 2, I didn’t have trouble following (though there were a few parts that weren’t clear because I hadn’t read it yet). Moral of the story – read both of the first ones before this one if at all possible. There are some series where you would be totally lost if all you read was book 3, but that’s not quite true here. Catherine was a lovely girl and made for a gutsy heroine. I loved the historical detail that seemed to be worked into each scene throughout the book, especially the travel scenes. This is a fascinating story and one I think you’ll enjoy!

**The author supplied me with this book in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to post a positive review, nor was I paid in any way other than the book.**


  1. OK, I just have to say...

    You read very fast. :D I'm still stuck on a 300 page book for the past three weeks. It's a great book, I just never have time to read. I work at a preschool and my days are so full. When I get home, reading is the last thing I want to do. I mostly just want to fall on my bed and sleep. :)

    By the way, you should check out my blogs, if you haven't already. :)

  2. I've heard good things about this series, I might just check it out in my spare time! :) Thanks, Charity!

  3. Thank you for the review. I'm really glad you liked the book.

  4. Been seeing this book around lately. Glad you liked it, Charity - that dress is also GORGEOUS! :)

  5. Essie, yes, I do read far too fast! Reading is a love for me, and usually a priority too. :)

    Rosie, definitely would recommend this series!

    Lena, thanks for the chance to read it. :)

    Rissi, isn't it interesting to see a book around a bunch? I know what that's like. :) Lovely dress, isn't it!


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