
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Blog Tour: Ashton Park

Author: Murray Pura

Genre: Life, family

Series: The Danforths of Lancashire

Number in series: 1st

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9

Type: Historical fiction

Number of pages: 373

Time period: 1916-1923, World War I

Publisher and price: Harvest House Publishers, $13.99

My overall opinion: What a delightful book this turned out to be! I enjoyed getting to know the entire Danforth family so much. If you’ve heard anything about this book, you’ve probably heard that any fans of Downton Abbey will enjoy it. Having not yet seen Downton Abbey myself, I can’t speak to the truth of that statement – but from what I’ve read, I think it’s probably true. Certainly, anyone with an interest in World War I fiction will find this an interesting book! There were a lot of characters, and especially at the beginning, I had a bit of trouble keeping them apart. However, there was also at the beginning a Cast of Characters sheet – which I ignored, as I hate flipping back and forth to that kind of thing. So it’s at least somewhat my own fault that I had any confusion. As the book continued, however, I grew quite familiar with all of them, and attached to many. There was plenty of excitement and unexpected plot turns. This book will keep you guessing! Ashton Park – overall, a good book that I’ll keep in my library. Definitely anticipating the next one! Recommending for any fans of World War I fiction, period dramas.

**The author sent me a copy of this book for review purposes. I was not recompensed in any other way for this review, and wasn’t required to be positive.**


  1. Yes! I've been waiting for this review, Charity. :)

    Sounds like a good book - as you make mention of, I was interested because of its similarities to 'Downton' and it sounds like those concepts are carried into this new series. Hopefully it'll be a good read whenever I get around to reading it. :)

    Thanks for the great review!

  2. Enjoyed your review. I love good Christian historical fiction.

  3. I'm getting a hold of this one in the near future, happy to hear you enjoyed it!! :D

  4. Rissi -- do give it a try if you can get a copy! I'm keeping mine...sorry. ;) But I'd love to hear what you think of it!

    Net, thanks for stopping by!

    Rosie, looking forward to seeing what you think!

  5. Hello, I am a new follower.

    I like the cover on this book, in fact I am going to Amazon to see if it is free still. I have a hard time finding adventure stories. Usually when I hear of a good one I hurry off to find it. Thank you for the recommendation.

  6. Welcome, Evy! I'm glad you're here. I'd definitely recommend this one -- do come back and let me know what you think once you get it! :)

  7. I managed to win this book and am very much looking forward to reading it!


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