
Friday, April 19, 2013


Author: Dani Pettrey

Genre: Suspense

Series: Alaskan Courage

Number in series: 1st

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9.5

Type: Fiction

Number of pages: 313

Time period: Present

Publisher and price: Bethany House, $14.99

My overall opinion: After reading and enjoying “Shattered” for the blog tour, I decided I needed to read the first book in the series. I finally convinced the library to get it…and can we say – New Favorite Book! Wow, it was so good. The first half? Yup, awesome. The second half? Beyond belief amazing. Now, a few things that stood out to me…the cover. Pretty cool. If you look close, you’ll note that the model had on mascara, which is now smearing in streaks down her face. Which I think is super cool because as any girl who’s ever gotten wet with un-water-proof-mascara on knows…that’s exactly what it does. Makes this cover real to me!

Once again, I loved the Alaska setting. It’s an amazing place, and I love it up there – reading books set there is a delight! Cole and Bailey too were such a delight to read about. I loved them both! And yes, I’m overusing the word love/d. ;) The suspense was super suspenseful, and the adventures and excitement were simply stunning. I also really loved getting to know Piper a bit in this book! I feel like I need to read “Shattered” again and see them all again now that I know them better! There were some very unique and fascinating settings – and concepts for the story as well. I was riveted the whole way through. I’m considering buying this one (despite the fact that the library now has it), but even if I decide not to buy it myself, I’ll be requesting it for my birthday or Christmas. It was THAT good!


  1. Yay! SO glad you liked it, Charity! This one is one of my Summer '12 favorites. :D As much as I like Piper though, Bailey I think will always be my favorite heroine. So far, at!

  2. The cover is neat, and of course you like the Alaska aspect of it. :D Sounds like a neat book.

  3. YAY! Finally a review of Submerged from Charity! How exciting.

    Super glad you liked this one - so far, I think Cole is my fave hero and Kayden my favorite heroine (despite her not having her own book - yet!). Looking forward to reading what Dani does for the last four books.

  4. I’ll read thriller in anything. Thanks for sharing. Added!!!


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