
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tyndale Blog Tour: Avenged

Author: Janice Cantore

Genre: Adventure, suspense

Series: Pacific Coast Justice

Number in series: 3rd

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5

Type: Fiction

Number of pages: 390

Time period: Present

Publisher and price: Tyndale, $12.99

My overall opinion: After requesting this book from Tyndale for review, I discovered Book 2 (Abducted) for free on Kindle. Since it had been on my to-read list for quite some time, I snatched it up and eagerly read it. While it wasn’t my new favorite suspense book, I did enjoy it – and am really glad that I got to read it before this one! They go together wonderfully, and I haven’t a doubt that the first pulls them all completely together. I enjoyed this one more than the second one. Incidentally, I happened to notice on the back cover that it’s categorized as a Christian romance – that’s definitely not what I’d call it. The couple who stars in the series was married by the first book, and part of what the series chronicles is their marriage’s survival/life. However, there isn’t overly much detail and it’s certainly not a super-romantic book.

Now, on to the other things about Avenged. The book had an accurate feel to it, and the action was good. However, both with this one and Abducted, I found myself disappointed with the suspense as I was hoping for an author to rank with Lynette Eason, Irene Hannon, and Dani Pettrey. I think that Janice is a good author, and has great promise – but she’s not a new favorite suspense author for me. Good books, yes. Favorite suspense, no. However, like I said, it was completely clean, good, and interesting! I have absolutely no problem recommending it to other readers. One thing I really liked about it was that it’s the same couple through the entire three book series. Of course, it helped that Carly and Nick were characters that I really enjoyed. Overall? This book and series is good, but not a
top favorite for me.

**Tyndale sent me a copy of this book in return for my honest review. I received no other compensation. All opinions and thoughts are my own. I was not required to post a positive review.**


  1. I am a book blogger too! :-) I love meeting fellow reviewers. I just read this book aloud to my family.... Wasn't the scene where Nick was being held hostage intense?! I am so excited that she has two more books coming out... and I read in an author interview that she has another idea for a three book series! :-)

  2. As you know, I don't love this author nor the books. I mean, I liked Carly and Nick but both my mom and I struggled with the "factual" writing when what we are used to is Lynette Eason or Dani Pettrey (whom my mom now also loves ;D).

    I still liked it, Charity, just didn't adore it. Glad you enjoyed the book/series okay. :)

  3. Faith, glad you came by! :) There were indeed some very intense scenes! It was good. :)

    Rissi, yup, I know. :) Yes...I think maybe it was all the factual stuff that I didn't enjoy as much. And yes -- agree with your sentence about liking but not adoring.


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