
Sunday, May 12, 2013

An Important Note to All Readers

Well, you've probably noticed that it's been slowly getting quieter here on Austenitis -- and unfortunately, that's not going to stop for a while. See, this year is super busy as I finish up high school and a few college classes, prepare for graduation, take an extra intense college course, and best of all -- prepare to leave for Alaska! I leave in the beginning of June, as many of you. During that time, unlike last year, this blog will be silent. No posts, no guest posts...nothing. I'll be home in mid-August, and will hopefully resume blogging then, though probably not with as many posts as previously since I'll be taking college classes full time.

Now, there are several more book (and movie!) reviews yet to come before I take off for the summer, so don't give up yet! And best of all? I've planned a special event coming May 20-25, packed with author interviews (SO many great ladies coming!) and giveaways! And...there will be a Special Announcement. Actually, it's not an announcement so much as a Special Change. So stick around! It's going to be awesome!

I'll miss all of you internet friends this summer! But take heart -- we'll reconnect this fall, I hope. :) And now! Consider yourself up to date on Austenitis. :)


  1. Aww! It'll be so quiet without seeing Austenitis reviews! Have fun in Alaska! And good luck with your collage courses! :-)

  2. Going to miss you terribly, Charity! I will look forward to your return. ;D Enjoy your time in Alaska and best of luck in your studies!

  3. ALASKA!!!!!!! It's my #1 place I want to get to some day. I hope you love it!

  4. *sniff*

    Going to miss you, Charity! :) Wishing you a safe, wonderful trip to Alaska and will certainly enjoy the time catching up in August. Good luck with everything and I'll enjoy those reviews. ;)

  5. Have a great trip! Looking forward to hearing about it when you get back :D

  6. Miss Elizabeth, thanks! I'm hoping they go smoothly. :)

    Rosie, I'm going to be missing all my blogging/Twitter friends like crazy!

    Hamlette, awww, it's a great place to have for a #1! Absolutely lovely there, and I do love it.

    Rissi, you're close to the top of my people-I'll-miss-like-crazy list! Can't wait to catch up. More fun reviews coming soon!

    Katelyn, will do! :)

  7. Have a great time in Alaska! I love Alaska in the summer.

  8. I've never been to Alaska but from what I've read and heard it is gorgeous. Safe travels and happy days to you!


Hi! I'm delighted you're leaving a comment! Thank you so much - comments make my day. Just make sure that yours is polite, free of bad language, and that it honors God. :) I will probably not reply to your comment, much as I would love to - my life is simply for too busy. Sorry! But again, thanks for commenting.