
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Litfuse Blog Tour: Afloat

Author: Erin Healy

Genre: Life

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5

Type: Fiction

Number of pages: 356

Time period: Present (but it almost has a futuristic feel?)

Publisher and price: Thomas Nelson, $15.99

My overall opinion: Wow. In all seriousness, through most of this book, I had no clue what I was thinking of it. And no clue what was going to happen next. That being said, I was glued to it – hard to put down, easy to pick up. Erin is a splendid author, an excellent writer! The book was fascinating, and I recommend it especially for anyone who has enjoyed dystopian or futuristic fiction. While this book technically isn’t really futuristic or dystopian, I still came away almost feeling like it was. All in all, Afloat was a good book with a great story and some interesting Christian elements. While it didn’t make my favorites shelf, it’s still one that I’d recommend.

**Litfuse sent me a copy of this book as part of their blog tour. I wasn’t required to post a positive review – I have reviewed this book in my own words and truthfully. I’m not being compensated in any way for this review.**

Erin Healy is celebrating the release of her latest novel Afloat (Thomas Nelson) with an iPad Mini giveaway.
One winner will receive:
  • An iPad Mini 
  • iTunes gift card
  • Afloat by Erin Healy 
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on June 15th. Winner will be announced on Erin's blog on June 17th. Save the date and click HERE to see if YOU won the iPad Mini!

Don't miss a moment of the fun; ENTER today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Visit Erin's blog on the 17th!


  1. I haven't seen much about this one. Might have to check it out. Great review, Charity!!

  2. Great review. Didn't read up on this one much considering there were too many others I knew I wanted to read from favored authors - have to pick and chose, ya' know? I've heard some great things about Erin, so perhaps I'll look into this one.


  3. Rosie, I haven't seen it much on the web either. However, this is only the beginning of the blog tour, so hopefully more reviews will turn up! :)

    Rissi, thanks! I totally understand about having to pick and choose -- do it myself quite a bit! :) Yes, if your TBR list ever runs out (oxymoron, I know) then defs check this one out. :)


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