
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Litfuse Blog Tour: Darkness Before Dawn

Author: Ace Collins

Genre: Life, Christian

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8

Type: Fiction

Number of pages:  348

Time period: Present

Publisher and price: Abingdon Press, $14.99

My overall opinion: Yet another winning book from Ace Collins! I have previously read Yellow Packard and Christmas Star, and while I must admit candidly that Ace isn’t one of my all-time favorite authors, the books are good enough that I keep reading them and anticipating reading the next one. This one dealt with some especially tough (and hard to handle) topics: hate, sorrow, resentment, revenge, pushing God away. But I felt that the author handled them very well. It was an amazingly real and understandable and sad book! I completely understood what the main character was feeling throughout the book. God was prominent throughout, but at the same time, to be blunt, He wasn’t overkill. At least, I never felt like He was. Definitely there, but not pushed down a person’s throat. The ending was terrific – this book is sad, like I said, but also amazing due to the redemption. I would recommend this to late teens and adults, men and women. It’s a good book, and not one you’ll forget in a hurry.

**LitFuse sent me a free copy of this book as part of its blog tour. I wasn’t paid for this review, and wasn’t required to post positively.**

In his latest novel, Darkness Before Dawn (Abingdon Press), Ace Collins leads readers on an emotionally charged ride from revenge to forgiveness.

fb-rafflecopter iconAce is celebrating the release of Darkness Before Dawn with a Retribution v. Redemption 12-Day Giveaway!

Go {HERE} or click the button for all the details. Follow along for a new giveaway each day. (Moleskin journal, books, Starbucks gift cards and so much more!)

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