Author: Ginger Garrett
Genre: Life, romance
Series: Lost Loves of the Bible
Number in series: 2nd
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8
Type: Historical fiction
Number of pages: 349
Time period: Bible times
Publisher and price: David C. Cook, $14.99
My overall opinion: Being a girl with a big enjoyment of Biblical fiction, I knew I wanted to give this book (and this author) a try as soon as I heard of it. It took a while, but then I got signed up to review Reign by the same author – and David C. Cook sent me all three of her books. I started with this one. You know, there aren’t just a whole lot of books about Samson and Delilah…so this one was definitely a first for me! It’s got a lot of fiction, but the Bible parts were well done. By fiction, I mean the author made up a lot of backstory and added in a lot of details – more than many Biblical fiction books I’ve read. However, most of those were about characters where we know more about their lives. Some of the material here was a little more descriptive about matters appropriate for more mature readers than most books like this that I’ve read – nothing really bad, but I’d still only recommend for 17+. The switching view points did a good job conveying the thoughts of each individual woman, but they also annoyed me a lot sometimes…it was a lot of switching, and not always completely smooth. At the end of the day? It was a good book, very interesting, well-written, and I enjoyed it.
**The publisher sent me this book as a complimentary copy. I wasn’t required to review it, wasn’t reimbursed for doing so, and wasn’t obligated to review it positively.**
Glad you liked it, Charity! Not sure this will be one I pick up in the immediate future. Thanks for the review!