Author: Ginger Garrett
Genre: Romance, life
Series: Lost Loves of the Bible
Number in series: 2nd
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5
Type: Historical fiction
Number of pages: 288
Time period: Bible times
Publisher and price: David C. Cook, $14.99
My overall opinion: This is a very interesting perspective on Queen Esther’s story from her point of view. I quite enjoyed it, and am really glad I had the chance to read it. It was a good book – not perfect accuracy to the Bible, but passable and close enough that I didn’t hate it. It ended up being a fairly quick though enjoyable read for me, and I’ll read it again.
**Thanks to David C. Cook for sending me this book. I wasn’t required (or even requested) to read or review it in any manner. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.**
Sounds interesting! What's the romance like in this series?