
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Movie: The Lake-House

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9

Genre: Chick-flick (be warned, I’m watching chick-flicks now!)

Primary actors: Sandra Bullock, Christopher Plummer

Length: Two hours

Time period: Present – early 2000s

Year it came out: 2006

My overall opinion: Well, it’s sort of a chick flick. It’s actually just one of the sweetest and most romantic stories I’ve seen on screen for a long time. Most of the movie, the main couple isn’t together – they’re just writing letters. There’s an element of time travel, for lack of a better way to describe it. Sandra Bullock is a.m.a.z.i.n.g. I thought. Enjoyed her acting so much! It moved along smoothly and sweetly, but wasn’t really predictable. However, this is totally a movie I’d watch again.


  1. Loved this couple in Speed so had to see Lake House when it came out. Kind of slow in some parts, but Sandra Bullock is a favorite in my home and this one was so original/sweet :)

  2. Ditto - this is one of the sweetest romantic dramas around. Great acting and storyline.


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